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TikTok user shares hilarious hack she uses to creep out men who try to get her phone number

'It's reverse psychology and not something they're expecting so it throws them off and makes them choose to leave the encounter,' she explained.

TikTok user shares hilarious hack she uses to creep out men who try to get her phone number
Cover Image Source: TikTok/caffinatedkitti

TikTok user Kitti—better known as caffinatedkitti on the video-sharing platform—would much rather men not approach her on the street and attempt to talk to her. But this isn't always the case as she often finds herself a target for men who simply can't let a woman walk by without hitting on them. So she came up with an ingenious hack to make such men leave her alone and it's now going viral on social media. One video in particular has been viewed more than 6 million times on TikTok alone, showcasing an interaction she had with a random man while out and about in the world.


"So we got a fresh one! Just to prove that this literally does happen to me every single day, I'm making more of an effort to record my interactions, just because it goes to show that if you can creep them out, they leave you alone. My philosophy on it is if they're going to give me the displeasure of having to interact with them, I'm going to make sure they regret ever thinking of talking to me," Kitti says in the video.


The one-minute clip shows Kitti's interaction with a stranger who asked her if he could give her his number. Kitti is heard warning the man that he would do well not to give her his number as everyone that ends up in her contacts receives a call from organ harvesters. When the man—who clearly wasn't expecting this response—asks her what that is, Kitti patiently explains who those people are, creating an even stronger effect than saying it explicitly. "It's people who take your organs and sell them," she says in a calm voice that sounds so serious and so true, the man changes his mind about wanting Kitti’s phone number. As the TikTok user walks away with a last "for the best" thrown in for good measure, the man is seen going away, probably mildly traumatized and utterly confused by the interaction. 


Speaking to Bored Panda, Kitti—who introduced herself as an Aquarius who enjoys long walks in the moonlight where no one talks to her—shared that she's been using this hack for a long time. "I had used it on childhood bullies to make them back off and realized it was multifaceted. I started being very unnerving towards unwanted encounters of all types and it's never failed me," she said. "It's reverse psychology and not something they're expecting so it throws them off and makes them choose to leave the encounter. This keeps me safer since they don’t necessarily feel rejected."


Kitti has used the organ harvesting story on multiple men and it appears that this one line is enough to scare off most of them. However, it is also necessary to trust your gut when something is up. "In the cases I've caught so far I could see the men leering and very obviously trying to engage in conversation with me so I started to record as they made their way over," she shared. 


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