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Three generations of women from one family attend the same college together: 'Age isn't a factor'

Two sisters will be starting classes at Carthage College this fall along with their mom and grandmother.

Three generations of women from one family attend the same college together: 'Age isn't a factor'
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Carthage College

The first day of school is a special milestone for any student but for one family in Wisconsin, it's extra special... across three generations! Two sisters, their mom and grandmother will all be attending Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this fall. Mia Carter and Samantha Malczewsk will attend college this year with their mother Amy Malczewski and grandmother, Christy Schwan.

Amy Malczewski told WDJT that she is really "proud to be watching my daughters grow up and be more mature and have new experiences, but now also to see my mom accomplish something that she’s always wanted to, and then even to accomplish something that I’ve always wanted to. I could probably burst, I’m so proud right now.”


Mia shared that she always felt her two older role models would return to school someday. "My grandma's mom just passed away and I think my mom had a realization that your mom's not always gonna be there... and I think it's just the fact of them literally going to the same classroom every day, probably working on projects and just gaining another aspect of spending time with her, like that good quality time [was a factor]," the 18-year-old freshman accounting and marketing student told Good Morning America. To 19-year-old Samantha, the duo's entry to university was rather a surprise. "I was clearly already admitted, [Mia] was admitted. And then all of a sudden, they were like, 'Oh, we're going too,'" the sophomore nursing student remembered. "It was really surprising. I didn't expect it."


A mother-of-five, Amy Malczewski has worked at Carthage College for over two decades but knew she wanted to enroll someday. Calling herself "Carthage's biggest fan," she said she felt like she now had the time to pursue higher studies. "I'm like, you know what, I should get that graduate degree I've always wanted. And Carthage has this amazing program, this master's in business and design and innovation, which is really in line with all the things that I love," she said.


As for 71-year-old Christy, she retired three years ago but is still eager to learn. In fact, she still continues to support and volunteer at local nonprofits. "[Amy] said, 'I'm thinking about doing this.' And I said, 'I really think you should.' And she said, 'Well, I think you ought to consider it too.' And I'm like, 'Oh, my gosh, I think you're right, we should do this together,'" she revealed. Christy said she was also motivated by her son Joshua, who is pursuing his second master's degree. "It's helped fill an empty space for me since my mom's gone," she noted. She has decided to go forward with a master's degree in business, design and innovation alongside her daughter.


The women are inspirational to anyone who doesn't want their age to deter their dreams. Amy advised everyone to go after what they want because life is too short. "Put that doubt aside and just go for it," she exclaimed. "Especially if you have somebody that can do it with you, I think it makes it even sweeter, right? Having these experiences with my mom is going to be something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. Seeing my daughters on campus? You know, I love it."

Christy added, "Never hesitate to follow your fear. In my life, it's led me to my greatest opportunities and it's also built my greatest strengths. If I always stayed in my comfort zone, I wouldn't be where I am today... And I think older students bring a lot to the table and I think age isn't a factor -- we can all continue to learn." Way to go, ladies!


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