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'No one knows how old she is': Thousands love grandkid's badass stories about 'immortal' grandma

Their grandmother beat cancer and coronavirus, outlived two husbands and three children, and survived the Great Depression.

'No one knows how old she is': Thousands love grandkid's badass stories about 'immortal' grandma
Image source: Quote | Tumblr/petermorwood

Grandparents are way too cool and most kids look up to them with awe. One Tumblr user shared a story that puts their grandma on a pedestal. The word "legend" is loosely thrown around but, going by the description of their grandma, she is definitely a living legend. People were curious and kept asking more questions, and with each answer, her legend only grew. By the end of the thread, there was an air of mystery about her, and it sounded like she could be straight out of a fairytale. Mawmaw, as she is lovingly referred to, outlived her two husbands and three of her children, survived the Great Depression and possibly was the daughter of a tribe’s leader, reported Bored Panda. The Tumblr user said no one in her family really knew how old she really was and, not so jokingly, suggested that she might be immortal. 



"I’m so Southern my family has a matriarch and no one in the family knows for sure how old she is. We all also got into a heated debate about the existence of her glass eye (still not confirmed). She’s in her 90s and we think she beat cancer, outlived two husbands, had seven children and has outlived three of them, survived The Great Depression, and either her dad or her grandfather was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian… possibly the tribe’s leader but no one really knows for sure," they wrote.



They also shared a story about her setting a bus driver straight. "She also once lit into my dad’s school bus driver, cussing him black and blue about how he treated the kids and didn’t realize she had a butcher’s knife in her hand until he RAN away. She didn’t have any more trouble out of him," they wrote. The Tumblr ramped up the mystery surrounding their grandmother after adding that she might be a cryptid—something that has been claimed but never proven to exist. "The running joke in the family is that Mamaw will be at the end of the world with the twinkies and the cockroaches. I’m not sure it’s a joke anymore, I think it’s a premonition," they added.



They went on to narrate another incident that established no one calls the shots but her. No one. "Two years ago, one of my cousins wanted to bring her wife to thanksgiving and Joe was all “ew no way” and Mamaw stood her as$ up and said “Who the hell do you think you are, saying who is and isn’t welcome in my house? This ain’t your house. You get out! I say who is welcome and YOU is not welcome. Now SCAT!” while slapping at him and then sat back down and asked my cousin if her wife ate catfish. Joe tried to come back in and she popped the tennis balls off her walker and threw them at him until he left," they added.



They almost thought they'd lost her to coronavirus but there's no defeating her. "The doctors took note of her age (she’s apparently 93 as best she can guess) and her vitals and, well, Mamaw wasn’t gonna make it past Monday. By Sunday night, the fever was gone and she was complaining that the hospital didn’t get WWE and she was gonna “miss my wrasslin shows!” they wrote. Just when you thought she couldn't get any more badass, she went home in two days, started calling up antimasker family members on the phone, and called them "idiots" before hanging up.


The original poster didn't elaborate further or answer any questions but they certainly had us hooked. Of course, you could take the story with a pinch of salt, but we firmly believe in this immortal grandma.

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