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This 'wonder dog' became a national sensation after walking 3000 miles back home in 1924

The story of this brave and loyal dog marching his way home to be exactly where he belongs touched everyone's hearts.

This 'wonder dog' became a national sensation after walking 3000 miles back home in 1924
Cover Image Source: YouTube | KOIN 6

Some stories leave a profound impact on the lives of people. Even after years pass, it continues to touch people's souls and prove to be exceptionally inspirational. One such story of a dog has continued to move people since the '90s, per Anchorage Daily News. A mixed-breed dog Bobbie is known as “Wonder Dog,” after successfully returning to his owners and his home on his own by walking 3000 miles. The story took place in 1923 when Bobbie’s owners, Frank and Elizabeth, were out driving and the U.S. transportation system wasn't as developed as it is today.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Zen Chung
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Zen Chung

Bobbie was out with his owners traveling when they stopped to take breaks and camp in between. The canine sure knew how to keep himself and others engaged with his playful gestures and love. On their way to their relatives far away, Bobbie would run to chase rabbits and play around the area while the couple camped. They always trusted that their beloved dog would smartly find his way back to them. Frank and Bobbie went out to get gas when Bobbie was chased by stray dogs. However, Frank wasn’t worried given the shenanigans the canine was used to.


As Frank filled up his gas, he waited for his pet but no sign was to be found. Assuming he went back home, he returned to only hear that Bobbie was still out alone. The couple made several attempts to find the dog but to no avail. With a heavy heart, the couple had no choice but to entrust Bobbie to his relatives' care temporarily should he return. Frank placed a newspaper ad and was forced to continue his trip. “Maybe he’s okay, maybe someone adopted him,” Elizabeth thought, trying not to fear the worst.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Lucas Pezeta
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Lucas Pezeta

Every pet owner can relate to the gut-wrenching feeling the couple went through knowing their furry boy is out there alone. However, the story has a wonderful twist. Neither was he adopted, nor was he lost, he wasn’t even trekking around on his own. He knew just what he had to do and went ahead with that. Right from Indiana, the boy took his awesome march straight home to Oregon. A 6-month trip, a tough walk, passing the Rocky mountainous regions, it sure wasn't easy but he knew it would be worth it. Bobbie knew where he belonged and didn't give up despite having no direct access to shelter and food.


Limping, shaking, weak but home at last, the exhausted canine finally made his way into the couple’s cafe in Oregon. He went straight up to Frank and howled, whined and cried with the pain of the trip and the joy of having found his beloved owner back. His resilience continues to touch many hearts to this day. The "Wonder Dog" Bobbie's inspirational story was also turned into a short film titled, "The Call of the West." KOIN6 shared, "Bobbie went on to sire a litter of pups, 15 boys, proving that he was a 'Wonder Dog.'" Oregon Encyclopedia mentioned that Bobbie passed away in 1927 but his title as “Wonder Dog” sticks even today.


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