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This woman made a PowerPoint presentation to tell her parents that she is a stripper

Lex decided to break the vital but difficult news her parents that she was working as a stripper through a meme-filled but informative PPT.

This woman made a PowerPoint presentation to tell her parents that she is a stripper
Image Source: TikTok/Mild West Sami

Never underestimate the power of a good PowerPoint Presentation. Its uses are not limited to just a corporate setting. In a viral TikTok video, a woman used a PPT to break some vital but difficult news to her parents. Lex decided to tell her parents that she was working as a stripper through a meme-filled but informative PPT. The presentation was recorded by her sibling, Sami, who uploaded the video on TikTok. The video has been viewed more than five million times already and Lex's parents' reaction after the presentation is gaining praise as well.

Source: TikTok/Mild West Sami

In the video, Lex starts off by saying that she has a secret that she has to share with her parents. So as to not worry her parents about what she is able to reveal, she immediately clarifies that she is not in any sort of danger and that she is not pregnant. "Before you start worrying or start getting excited, this secret pertains to my life,"  she said. "It doesn't affect anyone. The only reason I'm sharing is because I want the people I love and trust the most to know what's going on in my life and just be a part of it." She then adds that "the secret does mean – I'm talented, I'm cool, I'm powerful."

Source: TikTok/Mild West Sami

Then came the main part of the PPT. After a quick drumroll. Lex announced: "I'm a stripper, as in I pole dance at a strip club, and I love it." Her parents continued to patiently wait for her to finish and instead laughed and clapped in surprise. Lex also presented enthusiastically and included a separate FAQ section to further ease her parent's worries. "First, you might be thinking, 'Why? What's the point?' Well, it's a sex-positive environment and I can express myself safely. It's a performance... theatrics if you will," she stated. She even included a part about her safety.

Source: TikTok/Mild West Sami

"How am I staying safe?" she asked and explained, "Well you see, there's full anonymity in this club environment." She added that the culture of strip clubs in Portland is very sex-positive and safe. "There's not like drugs or shady business practices that are commonplace," she assured. Next, she took on a lighter note and confirmed their suspicions on how she was able to afford stuff. "Yes... I make good moneys doing that," she said. Which then took her to the next question of whether this was under-the-table transactions. "No, I do pay my taxes," she stated. 

Source: TikTok/Mild West Sami

Lex also assures her parents that she is not taking part in any other sex work, telling them that "all she does is dance and chat with people" whenever she is working in the club. She concludes: "[It is] one of the funnest jobs I've ever had. And I don't want you to worry and that is why I have the FAQs. There's no reason why I didn't tell you, I just didn't really get around to it." She then opens the floor for questions from her parents. They had nothing but supportive words for their daughter's career choice. "I really appreciate you being forthright and sharing your life with us, and I'm glad you are powerful," Lex's mother says.


As for her father, Sami reveals in the comments that her dad was just as supportive and said, "For anyone wondering, my dad's only questions was, 'How much money you making?'" She also added, "They're seriously the best and earned the trust and respect we share." The video was even captioned: “Jokes aside our parents are the literal best, my mom said ‘I’m surprised how proud I am.'”

Source: TikTok/Mild West Sami

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