She was worried about her grandkids playing near the road so she decided to make sure that the drivers slowed down.
A grandmother's love for her grandkids might not be limited to gifts or cooking food for them, they might also want to make sure that the kids are always safe. One such grandma from Montana was worried about her grandchildren playing near a road so she came up with the most creative way to ensure the drivers slow down, reports Fox29. Patti Forest Baumgartner put out a comfortable chair and sat along Finley Point in Polson in 2019.
She held the most unexpected thing - a hair dryer, pointing it at the vehicles that would cross that road. She hoped the cars or motorists would think it was a radar gun. Her son, Timmy Baumgartner posted a picture of the woman on X. She was seen holding a white dryer on her left hand and a red cup on her right. The dryer was held in a way that it faced the driver's coming down the road.
I was able to find Ms. Patti.
— Trooper N. Pesola (@TrooperPesola) August 20, 2019
She was made an honorary Trooper with a campaign hat and sticker badge for her work to keep her grandkids safe. #SlowDown#KidsCrossing#KeepOurKidsSafe
The post was captioned, "This Lady is helping @TrooperPesola slow drivers down on Finley Point. She’s running radar with her #SoloCup #FinleyPoint #SlowDown." After the post was put up, Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Noah Pesola tracked down Patti and dubbed her an honorary Montana trooper. He shared a picture with her on X with the grandmother wearing a campaign hat and sticker badge. He wrote, "I was able to find Ms. Patti. She was made an honorary Trooper with a campaign hat and sticker badge for her work to keep her grandkids safe."
People on social media loved the woman's smart idea. @KimmieP4 commented, "I love people who actually take charge and stop complaining. Way to go, lady!" @lbudrow01 wrote, "This is great on so many levels! Thanks for my big Sunday smile!" @tarheellady48 expressed, "Great, thank you for your efforts to slow down speeders." @tjg8808 shared, "What a smart idea, Ms. Patti!! Trooper N. Pesola, that was very nice of you to make her an honorary Trooper."
Baumgartner told the Tampa Bay Times why she decided to sit on the road to protect her grandchildren. Talking about the drivers she said, “They forget to slow down, and there are a lot of people that are complaining about that they can’t walk or ride their bikes. I wouldn’t even attempt riding a bike around. We were talking about maybe something would slow the cars down. So, we decided to put me in a chair and I guess use the hair dryer as a speed thing."
This Lady is helping @TrooperPesola slow drivers down on Finley Point. She’s running radar with her #SoloCup #FinleyPoint #SlowDown
— Timmy B (@timmyb48) August 18, 2019
Pesola also spoke about Baumgartner's idea and how it was helping the community. He told CBS47 KSEE24, "I thought it was a great creative idea for the public to try and combat speeding a little bit without getting people too upset." He added that the honor was not official. "We are just honoring a trooper. I don't know what else to do for her when she is doing something helpful for the community and like she says it's for her grandkids' benefit," he said. "The best thing I could think of was to give her a trooper hat and a badge to make her look a little more official."