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This driver was pulled over for having an expired 1997 license plate. He says he's been 'busy'.

The Slidell Police Department caught a driver with a license plate that expired almost two decades ago. Hilarity ensued.

This driver was pulled over for having an expired 1997 license plate. He says he's been 'busy'.
Image Source: Slidell Police Department / Facebook

We put off a lot of our chores for several (often lazy) reasons. Whether it's delaying buying groceries because you can live off milk and cereal for dinner another night or waiting to get the laundry until next week because, eh, you've got plenty of deodorant, we're all a little guilty of procrastination. However, nothing can beat the level of procrastination that the cops of the Slidell Police Department in Louisiana were confronted with. In a shocking - but equally hilarious - display of absolute couch potato-ness, a driver was caught by police officers with a car license plate from 1997, CNN reports.


The incident came to light when the official Slidell Police Department Facebook page posted about it. Taking to the social media platform, they uploaded a photo of the way expired license plate. Circled in bright red was the date the license plate was issued: September 1997. The police department wrote, "We can't make this stuff up! For those of you who like to 'switch tags,' at least give us a good challenge and don’t use a license plate that is over 20-years-old and expired back in 1997! Yes, this actually happened. Yesterday, one of our officers stopped a vehicle with this license plate on it."



Now, you're probably thinking that this driver had a great excuse about why he just wasn't able to get around to updating his license plate. Maybe he just hasn't been using that vehicle and was driving down to the appropriate government agency when the cops caught up with him. Or maybe he just forgot to attach his new one. Well, folks, the realm of logic ends here. When asked about why he did not update and change his overdue license plate from two decades ago, the driver simply responded, "Sorry, officer. I’ve been busy lately and totally forgot to renew my vehicle registration. I will take care of it as soon as I get home!"


That's what you call an apathetic response. There's no information about how the officers handled that situation, but we're sure the driver got more than a stern talking to. After the police department posted about the hilarious incident, the photo went absolutely viral across the internet. Since it was first uploaded, the post has received over 1,900 reactions and over 400 comments. It has also been shared 800 times. Some Facebook users decided to weigh in on the situation. Shayna Lopez-Rivas wrote, "This man is my hero." Jayy Wavyy added, "But made it that long without being pulled over. Bravo." Shon Lassiter stated, "Epic! I hope you let him off with a warning. I'm not even mad." Others asked more thought-provoking queries. David Guerrera, for instance, pointed out, "What about insurance for the car?" However, Robert Bales took the cake when he asked, "How did it take you guys 23 years to bust them for this?" In Louisiana, drivers are expected to renew their tags every two years. Looks like this driver found a way to sneak his way through the system.


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