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Dentist travels the world to treat people who can't afford it and has transformed dozens of lives

Dr. Felipe Rossi from Brazil is on a mission to make sure individuals from medically underserved communities get the dental care that they need.

Dentist travels the world to treat people who can't afford it and has transformed dozens of lives

If you were born with a perfect set of teeth, you probably don't know how much misaligned teeth can affect your confidence and sense of self. Much like a good therapist, a dentist can help you find your inner strength and self-love - simply by fixing your teeth. Sadly, unless you're covered by insurance, these procedures can be expensive and your wallet can take quite the hit. Therefore, those who can't afford it may just continue to believe that this is a way of life that they should probably get used to. Unless they get the opportunity to meet Dr. Felipe Rossi, a trained dentist from Brazil changing dozens of lives.


Dr. Rossi established the NGO Por1sorriso in the year 2016 and now travels across the world with his dedicated team of colleagues fixing underprivileged people's teeth for free. Through their selfless acts of kindness, they are able to successfully bring smiles back to several individuals who may not otherwise have had the chance to do so. His work has already had major positive impacts on low-income communities not only in Brazil, but also in the countries of Kenya, Mozambique, and elsewhere. Because he doesn't charge the people he treats, they walk away feeling absolutely blessed and grateful for his philanthropy.


The charitable dentist once wrote on social media platform Instagram, "This assistance is very different from projects where people simply get toothbrushes and toothpaste." While the projects Dr. Rossi described helped communities maintain their hygiene and provide the most basic necessities, they do little to create and develop sustainable impacts. Influencing someone else's self-confidence and helping them regain their love for themselves can have lasting effects on not only themselves but the overall community as well. Moreover, showing someone that they are beautiful, powerful, and strong can have effects well into the future.


At present, there are over 4,000 individuals registered as volunteers with Dr. Rossi's NGO. However, not all of them are able to fulfill the outlined project requirements. The dentist explained, "There are costs that people have to bear and, with that, many people end up giving up on the action." Nonetheless, there are volunteers who show up without fail and help change people's lives with Dr. Rossi and his team. He told a local news outlet, "The goal is to provide care at the dental office level in communities that do not have access to this service. We take care of the patient's entire mouth according to what he needs, with free care." Through Dr. Rossi's NGO, communities across the world are definitely smiling wider and brighter.


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