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Australia announced the arrival of color television in 1975 in the most creative yet hilarious way

Innovations and inventions are always great, especially when the whole community gets a chance to be part of the big reveal, like in this case.

Australia announced the arrival of color television in 1975 in the most creative yet hilarious way
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Geoff CB

The last century has undoubtedly been the century of innovation and invention. There have been tons of things that have been found and made over the last 100 years, right from the first mobile phone to color television. It almost feels like only yesterday that we were sitting in our living rooms watching shows and movies with our family on our black and white block televisions. From there, we're now able to consume content from anywhere and everywhere, not only in color but also in HD. However, the story of how color television broadcasting came into being is quite a funny one.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

When it came to letting people know about the fact that color television broadcasting was a thing, Australia did something hilariously wonderful. Before we can dive into what they did, here's some context about the things involved. Back in the 1970s, there was a show called "The Aunty Jack Show", featuring an obese cross-dressing bikie. This show aired from 1972 until 1973. In this show, Aunty Jack, an anarchic figure, was very controversial. The character would constantly make derogatory remarks about Wollongong in New South Wales, which was her hometown, which resulted in the actual people of Wollongong complaining to ABC to terminate the series. However, the producer, Maurice Murphy, fought hard to retain it.


However, when it was time for Australia to launch its color television broadcasting in 1975, they called Aunty Jack back for one special episode. In this special episode, which aired on March 1, 1975, the storyline seemed to show that the whole world of black and white was about to be gobbled up by a colorful-emitting monster. In this episode, two other monumental characters of the series were also there, namely, Thin Arthur and Kid Eager.


In this episode, Thin Eager plays "Wollongong the Brave" on the piano while Aunty Jack stands beside him. Aunty Jack then turns to the screen to face the viewers and says hello. After that, she proceeds to say that she and Arthur were there to warn everyone that the whole world is about to be gobbled up by a terrible color television monster. She explains that if Wollongong breaks out in color, the whole world could end. Another character, Kid Eager, enters the scene a while later and he's in complete color.


That's when Aunty Jack and Thin Arthur start panicking, only to realize that the color is seeping in through their window and filling up their home like water. The clip also showcases Kid Eager swimming in the pool of color while the other two are still scared, trying to figure out what is happening and how to prevent it. When the color reached the ceiling, everything except Aunty Hack was in color. After some trials and errors though, Aunty was in complete color too. However, being in color made her realize she wasn't feeling all that different. That's how this special episode ended. A lesser-known fun fact about this is that this whole episode was shot in color only. However, parts of it were transmitted in black and white so that the script would fit and make sense.

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