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This 9-year-old boy's incredible refereeing skill is winning hearts on the internet

Isaiah said, 'I think Seth is very fearless because when he does things he doesn't really care how you see him do it, he really does it for himself.'

This 9-year-old boy's incredible refereeing skill is winning hearts on the internet
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @isaiah.t3

Being a referee means the person should be fair to both teams and needs to know the rules inside out. And Seth Tate seems to have it all. A 9-year-old boy, Seth Tate, recently went viral while refereeing a basketball match in style. In the TikTok video, he keeps making hand movements and whistling. The video was recorded and posted by his brother Isaiah Tate. 

TikTok | @isaiah.t3
TikTok| @isaiah.t3


The video has garnered more than 1.2 million views and is captioned, "Should the NBA Hire him?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"  Many on the social media platform were impressed by Seth's refereeing style. @askcarlaandrews commented, "He’s taking apprenticeship to a whole different level πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ - Enthusiasm, Energy, and Excellence!!!" @hendrrixx commented, "We need bro officiating NBA games immediately." @toii_storyy commented, "I would go to the game just to watch him be the ref πŸ˜‚" @dave_deee commented, "He's reffing with style! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€ŸπŸ€ŸπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ" @user6491120761045 commented, "I'm absolutely impressed and entertained 😁" @katriceshawntele commented, "I'm absolutely impressed and entertained 😁"

Seth wants to be an NBA referee when he grows older, as told to GoodMorningAmerica. His brother Isaiah shared that Seth has been refereeing since he was 3 years old. Talking about the viral video, "It is very funny but interesting at the same time. So I recorded it," said Isaiah.

TikTok | @isaiah.t3
TikTok| @isaiah.t3


Seth has three brothers and they all play basketball. "He's always watching us at our games, but I think he's more in tune with the referees," said Isaiah. Once the pandemic hit, Isaiah and his teammates began to practice at his house and it was a perfect opportunity for Seth to referee these games. Seth said, "Well, they got mad at me a lot. And then I just kept on doing my job." They used to play every day and Seth was their referee. Isaiah said, "I think that really made him a good referee. And that's why he is the way he is today." 

TikTok | @isaiah.t3
TikTok | @isaiah.t3


Seth has been taking on challenges since his birth. He was born four months premature with a lot of health issues. "Well, I prayed and asked God and I believed God that he will get me through this," said Seth. Isaiah added, "I think Seth is very fearless because when he does things he doesn't really care how you see him do it, how he does it, he really does it for himself. I think when people see that, they will take it upon themselves too."

Talking about children who are making their parents proud, an 11-year-old started serving an elderly woman in his neighborhood, which soon expanded to others in the community, as reported by CBS News. It all began when Newton Police encouraged the community to "make a senior your sweetheart" for Valentine's week this year. The goal was for people to serve the elderly people around them. "We're really still not out of that feeling of what we went through during the pandemic. Especially our seniors who are many times already isolated. We want to do this as a positive campaign," said Newton Police Chief John Carmichael told CBS.

Sorrell was one of those who wanted to help out. "We have a friend who lives around the block and she's in her 90s. She was afraid to go out shopping at Trader Joe's because they don't have a delivery service. I started going grocery shopping for her," said Sorrell. He soon started to do the shopping for other seniors as well. "I delivered Trader Joe's to the elderly and people with COVID," said Sorrell.

His act of kindness caught the attention of the town. On February 26, Joe Prestejohn, the owner of Cabot's Ice Cream in Newton, decided to pack a special order for Sorrell and his family for all the good work he was doing. "To see that in a young kid nowadays is awesome and we just wanted to make sure he's rewarded for it," said Prestejohn.

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