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This AI politician is competing in UK general elections to reshape traditional democracy

For the first time in the UK, an AI MP runs this year's election in Brighton and people say it's straight out of 'Black Mirror.'

This AI politician is competing in UK general elections to reshape traditional democracy
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Times have changed and Artificial Intelligence is seeping into every sphere of our life. Every smart device user bumps into an AI-powered application at least once a day. While we are still in astonishment at how far this technology has come, AI is all set to now run in elections. UK is witnessing its first-ever AI candidate, "AI Steve," competing in the general elections in Brighton Pavilion this July. Looks like the chatbot will do more than just answer people's queries, per AI Steve's website.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Element5 Digital
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Element5 Digital

AI Steve is the virtual representative of Sussex entrepreneur Steve Endacott who has co-founded several start-ups. As per the chatbot's official website, despite his great concern for global warming, Endacott hesitated to join the Green Party as his prime focus is to "implement practical and affordable Green policies." So, what's the true purpose of AI Steve? Endacott's party, Smarter UK will harness AI Steve's potential to "recruit locals to create policies (Creators) and commuters from Brighton station to score these policies (Validators)." AI Steve expects to replace Brighton Pavilion constituency's former MP Caroline Lucas of the Green Party, per the Guardian.

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AI Steve's motto is to establish policies, "for the people by the people." So, if the policies meet the 50% threshold, they will be adopted and the validators, "will control all AI Steve’s parliamentary votes." Smarter UK hopes to bring about the ultimate form of democracy and the website emphasizes that AI Steve will require 5,000 policy creators and 5,000 policy validators who are Brighton and Hove locals. Guided by AI Steve's feedback on policies, Endacott himself will attend Parliament to vote on policies. Also, since the Smarter UK party was not registered for the elections on time, AI Steve is going to be an independent candidate this year.

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AI Steve is not just another AI responding to questions from the public and offering pre-defined answers. This chatbot has some serious values. Adopting the best policies of other parties, leveling up tax on Google and online retailers, practical green policies, inviting those UK needs to support the economy, cutting university fees by 50%, increasing affordable housing and even supporting LGBTQ are in its charts. This AI MP is driven by a businessman and not a career politician and thus it assures to get rid of the political ego that usually ensues. Moreover, Endacott's vote on policies will be fully controlled by people's opinions which makes it a revolutionary and inclusive form of democracy.



This stunning turn of events in the politics of the UK has surprised many on social media. When Politics UK (@PolitIcsUK) shared about AI Steve on X, many users were perplexed and some even related it to "The Waldo Moment," an episode of Black Mirror. "It's quite interesting how it would run. People would vote on the way they would vote in Parliament. It's more than just AI buzzword," said @CrazyCr66389647. "Black Mirror is catching up to the Simpsons with these predictions," quipped @EmanDaGoon. "When you read into it it's a decent idea," added @InakiWells.

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