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This adorable father's day card from a little girl is winning everyone's heart on the internet

This dad's youngest daughter has a way with words and she has a hilarious way of telling her dad that she loves him.

This adorable father's day card from a little girl is winning everyone's heart on the internet
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/DulcisUltio

Kids who love their dads always aim to make Father's Day special for them. It isn't always about the expensive gifts but the thoughts behind them. Well sometimes, kids just doodle a handmade card and gift it to their dads to tell them how much they are loved. There are instances when the most sincere messages are worded hilariously by these kids and one such example was provided by Reddit user and father, u/DulcisUltio. He shared the card he received from his youngest daughter with the Reddit community.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | 
Cristian Dina
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cristian Dina

"Sometimes, you just gotta try twice," the daughter's cheeky Father's Day card read at the beginning. "Happy Father's Day from the better child." The second slide was even more hilarious with how specific her message was. "Thanks for being my dad. If I had a different dad, I would punch him in the face. Love You," the message concluded. Just like the dad mentioned on top of the Reddit post, his youngest daughter sure does have a way with words.

Image Source: Reddit | u/DulcisUltio
Image Source: Reddit | u/DulcisUltio

The Reddit community was amused with the interesting message on the card as well. u/artie_pdx wrote, "That’s so funny! My dad always wanted a son. My parents had 3 daughters naturally, then adopted me 10 years after their last daughter was born. The youngest daughter was never happy about this, was quite mean to me growing up, and always said stuff like 'we can just take you back to the store!' My ultimate revenge was based on truth. I said that Dad wanted me so much he went out of his way to go elsewhere to get me!” u/ccl-now joked, "She's not wrong, it's the same with lots of things, the first one comes out a little wonky." u/FluffyDiscipline added, "This is an ode to all younger and middle siblings. If at first, you don't succeed then try, try, try again."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Punch_A_Lot
Image Source: Reddit | u/Punch_A_Lot

However, not all the kids are fortunate enough to give their love and special messages to their dads. A while ago, an 8-year-old girl named Sianna Tully wrote a letter to her departed dad who had passed away in an accident when she was only 4 months old. She had no particular address to send it to so she mentioned "Heaven on Cloud 9" as the letter's destination. Tully took help from her mother to write the letter and then dropped it into a letterbox near their home in Bewicke Road, Braunstone, Leicester. Tully's mom, Sarah told Leicestershire Live that when the young girl asked her where her daddy lives so she could address the letter to him, she had to think on her feet. So Sarah gave her the made-up address in order to calm Tully down.

The youngster's latest letter to her dad was eventually found by a postman named Simon inside a post box in Braunstone. The kind postman decided to connect with the sender of the letter and got in touch with Sarah through a Facebook page called Spotted Braunstone. Sarah revealed that once she got in touch with Simon, they had the most "wonderful" conversation and made arrangements to have the unopened letter returned to her. The pair met a couple of days later and Simon gave the Tully a father and daughter figurine as a gift. Sarah now plans to keep the letter — along with prints of the heartwarming social media comments — in a special box for her daughter when she is older.

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