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53-year-old dad is winning hearts by modeling daughter's crochet crop tops

Emily Beaver's business skyrocketed after she got her mom and dad to model her work on Instagram and TikTok.

53-year-old dad is winning hearts by modeling daughter's crochet crop tops
Cover image source: Instagram/lovebeav

A 53-year-old dad has become an internet sensation after his daughter had him model her crochet designs. Jeff Beaver of Arkansas is winning hearts for supporting his daughter by wearing colorful crop tops and shorts. Emily Beaver, 28, sells her crochet items on her online shop, LoveBeav, and has the best model she could have asked for. Her wholesome father will don, without hesitation, any of her work, and is actually drawing a lot of attention to her apparel. Jeff is a complete sport and he is absolutely comfortable in his body. "My dad has never been afraid to look silly, especially if he's having fun doing it, so there was never any hesitation on his part," Emily told Good Morning America.



Jeff is a constant on Emily's Instagram and he is often seen striking the silliest of poses and a big smile. Emily started crocheting in 2015 but it didn't gather momentum until 2021 when her business took off, partly thanks to her supportive parents who often model her work. "I set out with a mission to make unique crochet clothing specifically for myself, and found that I very much enjoyed seeing my creations on friends and the joy they get from wearing my art," she wrote on her website. She asked her father if he would model her work after noticing that one video of her mother in her crochet pieces did really well online. Jeff was more than happy to help his daughter.



"The internet totally ate it up, and every time I included my parents, I knew that there was something special about the concept of a family wearing crochet tops together," said Emily. Her sales went through the roof "selling out [her] entire restock each month." The success of her business has led her to quit her day job and focus on crocheting and content creation full time. She has also partnered with some top brands including Michael's Craft Store.



Today, she has more than 29,000 followers on Instagram and close to 600,000 followers on TikTok. Emily says her father will go the distance to sell her work. In one video, he can be seen climbing a ladder in an original LoveBeav crop top to pose for pictures on the roof. "My dad doing whatever it takes to sell my crochet tops," read the on-screen text. Her parents have become something of celebrities now and they get recognized everywhere. Emily recalled attending an Electric Forest music festival with her parents and many of the people recognized the family.



Her parents are certainly basking in their newfound fame. "The most important thing for me and my parents is that we are spending quality time laughing and enjoying what we are doing," said Emily. "We could care less what other people think about how silly it might look." All the videos of her father are flooded with positive comments and love. There are the odd nasty comments as well. One comment read, "Keep it to yourself behind closed doors, don't show anyone. It's just freaky." Jeff responded by posting a video of looking at the sky, putting out his hand and saying, "Maybe if we wait a little longer, a f*ck will fall into my hand and I can give it to you."


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