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This 8-year old's daily to-do list is inspiring everyone to 'be weird' while getting things done

Why don't we all make to-do lists like this?

This 8-year old's daily to-do list is inspiring everyone to 'be weird' while getting things done
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Mart Production; Reddit | u/chemical-mix-6206

Kids often learn by imitating their parents or someone who is around them, but they also have a way of making things they learn entirely their own. An 8-year-old created a to-do list after seeing his grandmother do it, and the things he listed out are so thoughtful and creative that people are celebrating him. The child's aunt posted a picture of the to-do list on Reddit, and everyone loves what the kid has prioritized in life.

Image Source: Pexels | Julia M Cameron
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Julia M Cameron

u/Bethesloth captioned the post, "My 8-year-old nephew made a to-do list after watching my mother make one and it's brilliant." The kid's to-list can be seen written on a piece of paper and stuck on the fridge using magnets. The list reads, "Be weird, play with Dad, pet Cash, feed Cash, let Cash out, read, play loud librarians, order game, be helpful to Daddy, be content, learn, go to Goodwill." This child is a perfect example of how parents and grandparents can be a good influence in a kid's life and help them choose the right things.

The post garnered 12k upvotes on Reddit and people shared how much they loved the child's list. u/peacefulpanda111 commented, "Be weird and be content are brilliant things to be on a to-do list." u/SameheadMcKenzie wrote, "This kid loves their dad, cares about their pet, has a thirst for knowledge and knows how to have a good time. I get the feeling that they will go far in life with such a good attitude." u/verucka-salt shared, "I love your nephew and his list. I’m a big list maker but I never thought to add kind thoughts. He’s a gem!" u/chemical-mix-6206 said, "This kid is more put together than I am! Stay weird, awesome child!" u/TonyAscot wrote, "Little man is more organized than me and he’s 40 years younger." This kid's to-do list sure could be an encouragement for anyone to set their priorities right in life.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Deciple_of_None
Image Source: Reddit | u/Deciple_of_None
Image Source: Reddit | u/WhereAreWeG0ing
Image Source: Reddit | u/WhereAreWeG0ing

Kids can be smarter than adults in a lot of ways. A child gave her mom a wholesome gift and a handwritten note for her birthday that the parent would surely remember for a long time. The mom shared on Reddit that she got a money envelope from her 11-year-old daughter with a note. The child had written on the envelope, "Love you! mamma cutie. From: Ivaanya." There is some money kept below with a note which read, "To, Maa only spending money. Please don't save. Love, Ivu." The mom mentioned in the post that her daughter knows that she is frugal. The parent also shared in the comment that the daughter is her best friend and she turned 11 on February 25 and "got a bit of cash from family and friends. I was so touched that she took some of it and gave it to me today for my birthday ..oh my heart." 

Image Source: Reddit | u/SeaHorizon
Image Source: Reddit | u/SeaHorizon

People loved how thoughtful the child was. u/dbt187 commented, "Aw I love this OP. She sees how hard you work and save and just wants you to treat yourself." u/808zAndThunder wrote, "You’re doing an amazing job as a mom OP. Maybe use the money to get some ice cream with her." 

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