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This 3-year-old's sweet gesture and empathy towards her mom has the internet crying

More often than not, kids are more understanding and empathetic than we give them credit for and this story is proof of that.

This 3-year-old's sweet gesture and empathy towards her mom has the internet crying
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang

Kids learn not only what they are taught but also what they see happening around them. They learn how you treat your partner, how to talk to elders, from your manners as well as from your habits. This is why, it's important to be kind and honest around your kids. McKenna Bangerter—who goes by @kennabang on TikTok—posted a wholesome video that will make you want to squeal because of just how cute it is. This video is the perfect example of empathy in kids.

Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang
Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang

The video begins with Kenna and her husband Jack sitting on the floor, facing the camera but slightly away from it. Right in the centre frame is their youngest daughter Velzy who has only recently started crawling, with her back facing the camera. Now we've all heard the story of how a man once asked his son who'd just started crawling to choose one from books, toys, and money only to end up being chosen by the child himself. That was because the kid thought that his dad was one of the options as well. Now this couple did something similar with little Velzy.

Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang
Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang

Jack and Kenna sat on two opposite sides and placed baby Velzy in the middle, a little farther from both of them. The overlay text read, "Seeing who our baby crawls to now that she's moving." For quite some time, the parents kept calling out to their little one to get her attention and have her come to them instead of the other parent. Even their older daughter Tommy got invested and sat down between her parents to observe the whole game. After some lazing and teasing, baby Velzy finally chose a parent and it wasn't Kenna. Velzy chooses her pop, Jack.

Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang
Image Source: Instagram | @kennabang

Kenna had some visible disappointment on her face when she saw Velzy go to her papa, who was extremely happy. That's why Tommy did something wonderful. She got up and ran to the spot from where Velzy had started crawling. She told her mom, "Hold on momma I'll crawl back to you," before actually getting down on all fours and crawling towards Kenna. As Tommy climbed into Kenna's lap to give her a tight hug, the parents looked at each other in complete awe of their child and her empathy. Kenna says, "She's too pure" and that makes complete sense.

Image Source: Instagram | @virginia.posthumus
Image Source: Instagram | @virginia.posthumus

@ambsamiyyah said, "This just made me see the things that my firstborn does so differently!!! Thank you for this." @poonguzhali_543_12 added, "When the baby is crawling towards the dad, the elder kid's eyes were fully on her mom. This is a precious moment & she is the most precious." @aaron_islove told Kenna, "Don’t feel bad, mama. It’s been proven that babies see the mom as an extension of themselves. That is why babies tend to show much more love to Dad than to Mom: it’s not because they don’t value Mom, but because they think they are Mom and Mom is them. Your older one loves you both and is old enough to know that Mom isn’t herself." 

Image Source: Instagram | @aleezayk11
Image Source: Instagram | @aleezayk11

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