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Someone in Colorado is putting up the funniest signs, and the puns are priceless

What started as an April Fool's prank five years ago has now become a signature fixture and landmark at Indian Hills.

Someone in Colorado is putting up the funniest signs, and the puns are priceless
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Indian Hills Community Sign

Editor's note: This article was originally published on August 27, 2021. It has since been updated.

Road signs are a great way to communicate important messages with a large number of people who drive by them repeatedly. Throw in some punny words of wisdom, and the signs are an instant hit. One man championing the funny signboard game is Vince Rozmiarek, who lives in the tiny Colorado town of Indian Hills. Rozmiarek, who also goes by "Vince The Sign Guy," has made a name for himself internationally by taking dad jokes to the next level. What started as an April Fool's prank five years ago has now become a signature fixture and landmark of Indian Hills.


The sign is now not only popular in the Colorado town but also all over the world. People from other towns make the drive to Indian Hills to pose with Rozmiarek's witty signboards. He also posts them online where people from farther away can get a good chuckle. “Obviously, I’m a man with time on my hands,” he told The Washington Post. “My three kids are all grown, and people could use something to smile about. So, why not, I thought.” Here are some of his many signs that are full of clever puns:


1. T.G.I.F syndrome


2. "Hi"gh tides? More like bye tides.


3. This is a cool sign.


4. Wordsmiths don't need locksmiths. 


5. Best zombie apocalypse scenario.


6. This man also sounds like he's a fun guy.


7. Taekwon-didn't.


8. Imagine if there were 101 of them.


9. Who are we to object?


10. How would you split it?


11. It then takes a swig of beer.


12. Much appreciated!


13. Hope he wasn't hurt.


14. Bless you!


15. Or behind them. Just stay by their side.


16. Do they include the giant at the top in these conversations?


17. They didn't say which June though.


18. It has no interest in you.


19. How egg-citing!


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