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The internet can't handle twists in a woman's bizarre tale about her gay dad and lesbian mom

She narrated the one-of-a-kind story of how her mom and dad both came out as queer and the internet was dumbfounded.

The internet can't handle twists in a woman's bizarre tale about her gay dad and lesbian mom
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie

Coming out as gay is never simple since it is a life-altering decision as much as it is liberating. Although there are several incidents where queer people got unexpected acceptance from their parents, few consider how a child would take it if a parent came out of the closet. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction and social media has opened doors for many such stories to be amplified. Haley Archuleta also saw multiple twists in her life after both her mom and dad embraced their queer identities. Active on TikTok as @haleyarchie, Archuleta posted a video explaining how she ended up with a gay dad and a lesbian mom. With the plot that is straight out of a movie, her story quickly went viral.

Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie
Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie


Archuleta narrated her parents' story as part of the "put a finger down" trend, where people are asked to put a finger down if they can relate to someone's experience. It turns out that Archuleta might be the only one putting her finger down on this story, as it was truly one of a kind.

It all started when Archuleta's dad first came out as gay after cheating on his wife with a man. But they eventually tried to make things work and even had another kid for the family to grow.

Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie
Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie


The man with whom Archuleta's dad had an affair was a friend of her grandma. The Christmas after her parents decided to work things out was quite dramatic. At a party hosted by the grandma, Archuleta's mom came face-to-face with the man her husband had an affair with. "As one would expect, my mom was fuming when she found out who was there. By the end of the night, my mom was talking to this man. They actually found out they have a lot in common and would actually say that they could be friends after this," Archuleta explained.

Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie
Image Source: TikTok | @haleyarchie


Eventually, Archuleta's mom and the "other man" who created a ripple in her marriage became friends and their friendship has been going strong for over two decades. "This man was literally at my birth. He's been like a second dad to me my entire life," the daughter pointed out. But in a few years, things took an astounding turn when Archuleta's mother came out as a lesbian. "So now I have a gay dad and a lesbian mom," she quipped. In the end, she finally put down the finger after keeping her hand raised the whole time that she narrated this unique story of her parents' sexuality.

Image Source: TikTok | @abbekadabbe
Image Source: TikTok | @abbekadabbe
Image Source: TikTok | @smackkx
Image Source: TikTok | @smackkx
Image Source: TikTok | @k1ra4_a
Image Source: TikTok | @k1ra4_a


People found Archuleta's narration quite interesting and many were left startled by the plot twists. "I thought this was heading toward your mom leaving your dad for the other man," wrote @moo1lg. "A rollercoaster. But it sounds like there's a lot of love and support," remarked @mrssmithx23. "All my fingers still up, but key wish I could've put one down because this story is iconic," @todrick chimed in. "I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this. They've been that way. They married to satisfy others. They already knew," added @myaccount836.

You can follow Haley Archuleta (@haleyarchie) on TikTok for more queer lifestyle content.

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