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Texts from a woman's mother-in-law are healing people in unexpected ways: 'Best mother-in-law ever'

The texts from the mother-in-law supporting her daughter-in-law, offering help and celebrating her in different ways have warmed people's hearts.

Texts from a woman's mother-in-law are healing people in unexpected ways: 'Best mother-in-law ever'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @nancyandersonfit

A lot of daughter-in-laws do not share the best relationship with their mother-in-laws. There could be different reasons for the same. However, a mom, Nancy Anderson–who goes by @nancyandersonfit on Instagram–shared a carousel of texts from her mother-in-law that showcase the beautiful relationship both share. The conversations between the two women have left many others wanting to have a bond with their mother-in-law.

Image Source: Instagram | @nancyandersonfit
Image Source: Instagram | @nancyandersonfit

The post titled "Texts from my mother-in-law" carried the caption, "MIL inspiration from my MIL." The first text read, "I have no meetings tomorrow. I can help out however needed. I am happy to take a night shift with the baby or just come up really early to get the boy ready and to school." The mother-in-law doesn't just happily take on work but also celebrates her daughter-in-law. "Happy, happy birthday to my amazing daughter-in-law. I hope you have a wonderful day. I'm already offering up my services for 2025 for (hopefully) a nice getaway for you and Max to celebrate that milestone birthday," the mother-in-law wished.

The mother-in-law offers her help at whatever hour she can. One of her texts at 5 AM read, "I am awake and in the living room if you want to send anyone down when they get up. I can supervise!" Anderson sweetly acknowledged the message, "Aw, ok. Thank you." Another text showed how the two women are great friends before anything. Just like someone would text their best friend, the woman sent a picture of her date with her husband to her mother-in-law and wrote, "Just sat down for dinner. Face finally starting to be normal again, lol!"

Image Source: Instagram | @nancyandersonfit
Image Source: Instagram | @nancyandersonfit

The woman appreciated the stunning picture and reassured her that the kids had eaten and showered and were busy with their iPads. "I am reading on your ocean deck. Enjoy!" she added. The mother-in-law's wedding anniversary message was truly heartwarming. "Happy wedding anniversary to one of the strongest power couples I know. What you have built become (and birthed!) in nine years is amazing. Blessed to be along for the ride. Love you with all my heart."

In yet another text, the mother-in-law sent thoughts and blessings the woman's way as something special was coming up. She also told her, "Let us know the results when you are ready!" Her next text showed just how much the grandmom cherishes her whole family. It read, "So I have been dreaming these super vivid dreams for the last week. Really unusual for me. Then I woke up this morning and my first thought was... I am not dreaming. They really are coming home for Thanksgiving."

Image Source: Instagram | @nycpizzarhat
Image Source: Instagram | @nycpizzarhat
Image Source: Instagram | @kristy_kuntemeier
Image Source: Instagram | @kristy_kuntemeier

People took to the comment section to ask if the woman's mother-in-law could share her wisdom with everyone. @wavesofvictory wrote, "She's amazing! And healing wounds she didn't cause." @mrscassieschroer commented, "Does your MIL possibly have a TED talk for other MILs to watch?" @jamelnm expressed, "I have a mother-in-law that comes around once a year. You are beyond lucky for this level of support." @kleigh_travel shared, "Reading stuff like this used to make me sad because I really got a terrible MIL, like possibly the worst, but now they make me so happy because I cannot WAIT to be this for my daughter and her spouse one day!! I'm also so grateful for the women who do get this and it's so sweet that you know how special it is." 

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You can follow Nancy Anderson (@nancyandersonfit) on Instagram for fitness and health content.

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