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Teen decides to buy his single mother a car after seeing her daily struggle: 'I am so proud'

He lives with his single mom who is doing her best to take care of her three kids and two dogs and wanted to do something for her.

Teen decides to buy his single mother a car after seeing her daily struggle: 'I am so proud'
Cover Image Source: Youtube | KOLO News

William Preston, a 13-year-old boy from Fernley, Nevada, resides with his devoted single mother, who tirelessly ensures the well-being of her three children alongside the responsibility of caring for their two canine companions. Although not always vocal about it, William deeply appreciates the efforts his mother makes to provide for their family and create a nurturing home environment, as per GoalCast. He always saw that his mother was having a hard time juggling everything without a car, he decided to help her.


The idea came to him from a Youtube video, where he saw how a child earned the money to buy a car for his mother and William decided he would do it too. “I saw on YouTube where people get their mom a car and then surprise her with it,” William told KOLO. “I wanted to do that.” One day he was looking for cars on Facebook and he came across a 1999 white Chevrolet Metro he contacted the seller and asked if he could work for him and in payment if he could get the car.

He gave her the Xbox he had and he worked hard to pay the rest of the due. He said, "It was really so cheap so I asked her if I could trade it or earn it, and at first she said no and after she thought about it, then she said yes."

William's mother Krystal could not believe they would have a car when he told her first. "I lost it, I bawled so bad, I was just like, ‘There’s no way.’ What 13-year-old do you know buys their mom a car, I don’t know any, never heard of any," she said. “I can’t even express it like there are no words that can express my gratitude and how proud I am.”

William's actions are truly touching, especially considering that most children his age typically spend their time enjoying the outdoors, engaging in sports, and socializing with friends and family. However, he selflessly chooses to dedicate his time to assisting his mother.


His mom added, "At my low point, here comes my son. Everybody goes through rough patches in their life, but there’s good that can come from any situation as long as somebody with a heart does it." She also spoke about what happened in a now-deleted Facebook post. “I am so proud of my son. He is such a good kid. He may have his days but what 13-year-old kid do you know that buys his mom a car. William, I love you son and thank you. You have such a big heart and I love you."

His mother showed him how to take care of his own and now at such a young age, he is helping his mom handle her every task more efficiently. He also makes the life of his family easier. However, his brilliance lies in his huge heart and his thoughtfulness to make his mother's life better and for this reason, he deserves all the praise and appreciation.

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