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Teachers hilariously share their biggest pet peeves about the colleagues in school

Even teachers are allowed and must have some fun with moments like this at school in between long working hours.

Teachers hilariously share their biggest pet peeves about the colleagues in school
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe

Teachers are humans too, who sometimes like to have fun and bond over silly moments. Kylie Enloe, an elementary teacher—who goes by @kylie.enloe on TikTok–captured such a hilarious and ironic video with teachers sharing their "kicks" about each other. She captioned the video, "It's that time of year where we're all getting a little feisty." She posted this video with one question and eight teachers in mind. The question she decided to ask every elementary teacher was "What's your teacher ick?" and the responses and reactions will undoubtedly give everyone a hearty laugh.

Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe
Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe

Enloe began the game and asked her first teacher what their teacher ick was. She replied, "I hate when people use their best handwriting on anchor charts." After that, the next teacher stated that their teacher ick was people putting trees in their room. The third teacher answered by saying, "People who come to school with a full face of makeup. How do they have time to do that before school?" Now that's when the fun began. In a twisted game of irony, the second teacher had well-written anchor charts in the background, whereas the third one had a tree in her room.

Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe
Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe

As you would have guessed, the fourth teacher had a full face of makeup on as she told her ick, "I hate when teachers wear personalized lanyards with their names on them. Like we don't know what your name is." Right on cue, the fifth teacher with her lanyard around her neck said that her biggest ick was "when teachers have a fan in their hands at all times and they're always like I'm so hot." With a fan in hand, the next teacher said that her teacher ick was "When people stand in doorways and act like they are busy."

Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe
Image Source: TikTok | @kylie.enloe

The next teacher, who was standing by the door doing nothing yet seeming busy, said that her biggest ick was people who wore strange socks. That's when the teacher who was recording the video changed her question and asked a male teacher, "What socks do you have on today, Mr. Johnson?" To that, the teacher in his forties answered enthusiastically by saying, "Today is pineapple Monday!" While saying so, he even lifted his pant bottoms to showcase his Monday socks!

Image Source: TikTok | @samsabotage96
Image Source: TikTok | @samsabotage96

A lot of viewers took some time to realize what exactly was happening in the video, like @borderjumper806, who exclaimed, "I didn't know they were teasing each other till the lady with the fan!" Some users like @jacobhanson5253 caught on early and said, "I love that you made it so the ick is about the next person! LOL, hilarious." One user named @chelseyaniece said, "Not them throwing shade to each other," to which Enloe replied saying, "It's all a joke - promise!"

Image Source: TikTok | @semajayrose
Image Source: TikTok | @semajayrose

The hilarious video has gained over 35M views and 5.3M likes. Being a teacher is one of those professions that need to be looked at with kindness, honesty and laughter. Even during those strenuous hours of teaching students and building their futures, it is important to have some fun.

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