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Teachers have a laugh over the funny 'mean things' their sassy students say to them

Teachers share some of the funniest but mean jabs they have encountered in their entire careers.

Teachers have a laugh over the funny 'mean things' their sassy students say to them
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@teachinginstyle

Being a teacher is no easy feat. The mental and financial toll is unlike any other profession and students, with all their shenanigans, make it a tad bit more complicated as well. Alissa who goes by @teachinginstyle on TikTok along with her friend revealed some of the harshest comments their sassy pupils sent their way. It is safe to say the job is definitely not for the faint hearted. The insults pierce the soul, and to get it from someone whom you have to cross paths with every day, these ladies should have a shrine to their name. The video amassed many views, going viral in no time.

Image Source: TikTok/@teachinginstyle
Image Source: TikTok/@teachinginstyle

In the video, Alissa starts off by sharing, "A kid looked me dead in the eyes and said 'It makes sense why you're not married.'" Her friend cracked up at that one. The next one came from her friend. She stated, "At the end of every class, I ask my students what they're grateful for and most students say things like 'you' or 'my mom' or the 'sun' but every day this student says 'I am grateful, I get to leave this room.'" Alissa again took the reins and said, "One of my students told me that I looked like a skinny legend, but in reality, I was just depressed." Even the compliments from these kids hit the wrong spot.

Image Source: TikTok/@teachinginstyle
Image Source: TikTok/@teachinginstyle

The next one came from Alissa's friend. This one was not said to her face and involved social media. "A photo of my shoes that I wear every day to work ended up on a hate account, they got rated one out of five," she added. A follow-up video revealed the said shoes to be Checkered Vans, and it is safe to say these kids have no taste. "One time a kid told me that he hoped I get hit by a bus," Alissa continued. That's a lot of anger for some poor grades. "When showing one of my students, a wedding dress I was excited to purchase- they said no offense, this is giving more bridesmaid than bride," was the next one to follow. Honestly, that is solid advice. 

"One time a kid told me that he thought I would actually be a really good teacher if I didn't have the attention span of a small squirrel," was Alissa's next offering. Her friend followed up with, "I told a group of students that there was a class I really wanted to teach and one of the kids said no no no, the bar's too high for that." Ignore them, girl reach for the skies. 

Image Source: TikTok/@littlelovebird33
Image Source: TikTok/@littlelovebird33


Image Source: TikTok/@mimiclosel
Image Source: TikTok/@mimiclosel

The comment section was in splits with many other teachers coming forward with their experiences. @user3577806502704 shared the insult they had to hear in the school hallways, "I wore a pair of striped slacks to my inner-city high school. A kid said, 'Why are you dressed like THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS?' " @cruel_sister commented the insult she got and yeah kids these days are over-critical of fashion, "I wore a pair of yellow overalls once and my middle school kids told me I looked like Curious George’s friend. I haven’t worn them since."

@teachinginstyle Part 2 - Mean things high school students have said to us 🍎 Thank you for all your support on our first video - your comment were hilarious & made us feel better about ourselves lol 🤎 #teachersoftiktoktok #teachertok #teacherlife #teaching #classroommanagement #highschoolteacher #teachersbelike ♬ original sound - Alissa | History Teacher


It might be difficult to believe but the second edition was meaner. Here the bestie took the reins and started off with a banger, "a student asked me and my co-teacher if we have tattoos and both of us said yes, and then he said, I'm not getting one because why would I put a bumper sticker on a Lamborghini." The transition to Mazda is not far away and comes in the blink of an eye. "I had two boys get in a physical altercation in my class, grabbed one of their backpacks, and was like of them looked at me and told me to mind my business," Alissa said. Well, it was either this or reporting them. 

@teachinginstyle nothing prepares you for the audacity that high schoolers have… here are some mean things they have said to us #teachersoftiktoktok #teachertok #teacherlife #teaching #highschoolteacher #classroommanagement #teachersbelike ♬ original sound - Alissa | History Teacher


You can follow Alissa (@teachinginstyle) on TikTok to learn more about her life as a teacher.

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