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Teacher uses M&Ms to educate kindergarteners to see beyond color and it's a lesson for every American

She said that students with blue M&Ms were 'the best in the class,' which made kids holding other colors feel disappointed.

Teacher uses M&Ms to educate kindergarteners to see beyond color and it's a lesson for every American
(L) Woman talking to her students (M) Woman listening to students (R) Teacher talking to students. (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ms.craft_kindergarten)

In a moving classroom lesson, a teacher used M&Ms to help her students understand the importance of equality and Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision. In a TikTok video shared by the teacher @ms.craft_kindergarten, she uses colorful candies to spark a meaningful conversation with her students about seeing beyond appearances. The video begins with the teacher talking to the students and saying, “The people with blue M&M’s are the best kids in the class,” she tells them. “Because your M&M is blue, so you’re the best.” A student quickly chimes in, “My M&M’s are blue,” while another hesitantly shares that theirs were red.

(L) Teacher talking to her students (R) Teacher talking about M&M with students.  (Image Source: TikTok | @@ms.craft_kindergarten)
(L) Teacher talking to her students (R) Teacher talking about M&Ms with students. (Image Source: TikTok | @ms.craft_kindergarten)

The teacher then gently asks, “How did that make those of you who do not have blue M&M’s feel? Did it hurt your feelings?” The class responded quietly, agreeing that it didn’t feel fair. The teacher then shifted the focus, asking the students to take a bite of their M&Ms and observe what was inside. “What color is the inside?” she asked. “Brown,” the students replied in unison. “Did the color of the outside matter? Are they all brown on the inside and do they all taste the same?” 

(L) Teacher pointing at Martin Luther King Jr.; (R) Teacher talking to students. (Image Source: TikTok | @ms.craft_kindergarten)
(L) Teacher pointing at Martin Luther King Jr.; (R) Teacher talking to students. (Image Source: TikTok | @ms.craft_kindergarten)

The teacher went on to share the story of Martin Luther King Jr., telling the students that “people with skin like Martin’s, they weren’t treated the same as people with skin like mine.” She explained how Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a world where people were treated equally, regardless of the color of their skin. “This was Martin’s dream right here,” she told the class, gesturing toward the diverse group of students. “Even though he had a sad ending, did it have a happy ending for all of us?” she asked. The students nodded as the teacher continued, “Because look at our classroom. He wanted that so we could be safe. He was brave. He was very brave.”

Image Source: TikTok | @britfinephotography
Image Source: TikTok | @britfinephotography
Image Source: TikTok | @rayofmfsunshinee
Image Source: TikTok | @rayofmfsunshinee

The powerful lesson hit not only the students but also people online. Many reflected on their own experiences with similar lessons about equality. @teachingwithglittergold shared, “I remember teaching my students that if we lived during that time period I couldn’t be their teacher. Some students started crying and we were all just crying together at the thought of it.” @mac31479 praised the teacher saying, “Thank you. I just graduated as a teacher. I got a first-grade position and the way you taught this was so powerful. Thank you. I now know how I will teach my lesson."

@ms.craft_kindergarten This lesson never gets easier to teach. I try really hard to keep my emotions in check, but I always tear up when I read Martin’s Big Words. I highly recommend this book for young children. It tells the story in a kid-friendly way, and the story begins when #martinlutherking was a child. ❤️ #mlk #teachersoftiktok #mscraftkindergarten #kindergarten #childrensbooks ♬ Ambient-style emotional piano - MoppySound


@brisa_onmainstreet commented, “As a homeschooling mama I wasn’t sure how to bring this topic up and this is so so so well explained. Our babies are mixed so it’s important they understand this but wasn’t sure how to do it appropriately for their age.” @chihuahuafart said, "This is so emotional because some kids go home to parents who refuse to understand this. This is such a great lesson to teach - in and out of school." @imkatiekate recalled, '"I remember when my son came home from school and told me they learned about Dr King. We talked about his speech. My son emphatically said from the back seat "I have that dream in my heart!"'

You can follow @ms.craft_kindergarten on TikTok for more teaching content.

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