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Teacher uploads video of her showing students how to wipe their bottoms, divides the internet

When a video of a teacher showing her students how to clean up after going to the bathroom went viral, the internet wasn't quite sure if it was a good idea.

Teacher uploads video of her showing students how to wipe their bottoms, divides the internet

When I was a kid, I'd often wish to be homeschooled so I'd never have to leave the house (something I still aspire to these days as an adult). It seems that some teachers across the pond are blurring the lines between what we typically learned at home versus at school as youngins. In a video that has gone viral since it was first posted, a teacher is seen using an imaginative method to teach her students how to wipe after going to the bathroom (you know, number two). While some have praised the teacher's ingenuity, others believe that such skills are to be left to the parents to teach their children, Yahoo! Lifestyle reports.


In the video posted to social media platform Twitter, the teacher is seen seated at the front of the class on a kiddy chair with two balloons tied to the back of the chair. What seems like preschool students are seated behind her in similar chairs with balloons fashioned onto them in the same manner. The teacher then pulls out a tissue, mimics a wiping motion in between the balloons, folds the tissue, then repeats. The balloons, viewers quickly realize, are supposed to represent bottoms. The teacher repeats the action a couple of times before the video ends.


The video appears to have been filmed at a school in South East Asia, perhaps China, where students are taught morals, values, and manners at a very young age. Culturally, passing down these values is not clearly demarcated as a parent's or teacher's job. In the United States, on the other hand, there is a much starker divide between who is responsible for teaching what. While teachers mainly stick to learnings from strict curriculums, parents are left to teach their kids about hygiene, how to be polite, table manners, so on and so forth.


Therefore, there was definitely some disagreement between users when it came to the teacher's plan. While most agreed the technique was definitely inventive, some thought the teacher was going above and beyond her role as an educator. For instance, one user commented, "This is one of the issues in our public schools. More than ever before, they are just conduits for social support (food, medical care, clothing, whatever). The breakdown of the American family is real." Another added, "I’m all for improving the education system but we shouldn’t waste time and money to teach something that parents should teach their children."


Nonetheless, others were all for the idea. "This is actually dope," one Twitter user wrote. "It’s funny but creative and look how attentive they are. They look like they’re in preschool and from teaching preschoolers they had to pack extra underwear because of not being properly potty trained and knowing how to wipe. Kudos to the teacher." Another stated, "A lot of people are commenting stating this should be taught at home... Y'all know damn well little kids BARELY EVER wipe correctly... Add on that they probably listen to their teacher more than they listen to their parents, this is a great idea." Well, it seems like America is divided - yet again. What are your thoughts on the video? Would you want your kids to be potty trained at school as well?


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