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Teacher garners appreciation for helping little student having seizure by getting her immediate help

The Internet reassured the teacher that she took all the right steps while helping her 2-year-old student who was having a seizure attack.

Teacher garners appreciation for helping little student having seizure by getting her immediate help
Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Photo by Yan Krukau; (R) Reddit | u/umnothnku

Teachers can never slack off when on duty. They need to always be aware and on their toes, especially when it comes to elementary children. These kids often cannot express their problems and teachers have to be intuitive in figuring them out. It is also important that the teachers have all the necessary knowledge regarding anything that could happen to their students in school to make a proper decision, especially in terms of medical conditions. u/umnothnku on Reddit narrated an incident where she had to display quick-mindedness when one of her students was having a seizure attack. 

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Katerina Holmes
Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Katerina Holmes

The incident also shows the importance of follow-up, as she checked up on the student after the incident, which got her timely help. u/umnothnku teaches 2-year-old kids and loves her job. She loves to get them involved in activities and play fun games with them. Sarah, a student of hers, has a history of fever-induced seizures. Her teacher had done apt research on it, which came in very handy when Sarah suddenly underwent a seizure in front of her. This all unfolded when the entire class was playing a game where they were laying on the floor, and then had to get up and jump as per cues. Sarah loved the activity and never missed an opportunity to jump. This time, though, she did not jump and kept lying down on the floor.

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

At first, the teacher did not think much of it as other students had done it before and in her experience, children often copied other children. She started to get nervous when Sarah's friends tried picking her up and failed to. The teacher immediately went to her side and moved the other children away from the vicinity "so I could kneel down to look at her and her eyes were rolled back so I could only see the whites and they were vibrating and I just knew she was having a seizure." It lasted only for a few seconds but the teacher had her heart in her mouth. Fortunately, Sarah came back to her senses and gave a sweet smile to her teacher on coming back.

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

The quick-thinking teacher immediately went to work and began following the protocols. She called her boss to immediately come downstairs with a thermometer. Since Sarah's condition was fever-induced, it was important to keep her body temperature in check. Fortunately, the reading was not concerning. She then contacted Sarah's mother, who told her that since the seizure lasted for seconds, it was not anything concerning as per their doctor. The mother added that if there were any further developments, they should call her and she would take her to the hospital. After some time Sarah came to the teacher and informed that she had a headache, so, the teacher immediately called the mother who took the kid to the hospital.

Image Source: Reddit/ u/eilhsaa
Image Source: Reddit/ u/eilhsaa


"A few hours later I got a text from the mom with a picture of Sarah smiling in a hospital bed with a popsicle, thanking me for my quick action in making sure Sarah was safe and letting me know that neurology had given her the all clear to go home," says the teacher. 

Image Source: Reddit/ u/Absolute-fool-27
Image Source: Reddit/ u/Absolute-fool-27


The whole incident took a toll on the Reddit user and she decided to post about it in order to get reassurances regarding whether she did right by the little girl.  u/MaryShelleySeaShells was proud of the teacher and believed that she acted appropriately in the situation, "It sounds like you did everything right. The fact that the mom praised your actions should give you all the reassurance you need! That would have been really scary, though, especially at such a young age. You did good."

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