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Teacher addresses the 'psychological discomfort' he noticed in America after 10 years in Mexico

After living in Mexico for 10 years, the teacher returned to America and observed the obvious difference in people's mindsets.

Teacher addresses the 'psychological discomfort' he noticed in America after 10 years in Mexico
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham

We live in a world that's rich in diverse cultures and ways of life. Apart from the obvious differences in lifestyle, we can also find some distinctions in people's personalities. An American teacher and a travel assistant who often shares relatable opinions in his TikTok handle, Walking With Abraham, recently spoke about the sad reality of the American way of life. After spending 10 years in Mexico, he could now spot the obvious difference in the people's mindset and he laid it out in an eye-opening way. His perspective about the "pain in the United States," seemed relevant to many users.

Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham
Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham

Abraham starts on a respectful note, saying that coming back to the US after living in Mexico for 10 years made him realize the obvious presence of "psychological discomfort" among Americans. Being genuinely concerned about this problem, the teacher clarified that though Americans can be "the best, kindest, most responsible" people, many of them are "just losing it." What actually bothers Abrahan is how most Americans never respond to a friendly greeting. To know the reason behind this, Abraham decided to risk it and address the issue with those who pulled away or turned their backs when he greeted them. 

Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham
Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham

One person was so frustrated that they told Abraham they just wanted to be "left alone." An interesting and honest reason for this cold and unfriendly demeanor was explained to Abraham by a Mexican person. The woman said that, unlike Mexicans who come forward to help when they see someone in trouble, Americans "find a reason to look away." Abraham's greetings might have been ignored for this reason. "In Mexico, everyone can look different in one family. But here in the United States, everything is racialized," the woman told Abraham. The teacher sees a real issue in the "pressure of always being alone," which might soon snap unless it's fixed.

Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham
Image Source: TikTok | @walkingwithabraham

Abraham couldn't believe that Americans were under this much psychological pressure of being alone or unsociable. He highlighted how Americans often look down on people outside of the U.S. who live a mediocre life unlike them. Though they may just eat rice and beans or noodles, Abraham says that people outside the U.S. in more amiable cultures like Mexico are living much better and happier lives. "If you say hello to them, they will turn their whole body to you and they will say, 'So good to see you,'" he said. This practice of getting to know a person who greets you is "unheard of" in the US, as per the teacher. "I love my country. But I feel sorry for the sadness, tension, loneliness and fear that I see in so many people," Abraham said in the end.

Image Source: TikTok | @cynthiamosser
Image Source: TikTok | @cynthiamosser
Image Source: TikTok | @tanyagarcia321
Image Source: TikTok | @tanyagarcia321
Image Source: TikTok | @pluto_onthefirst
Image Source: TikTok | @pluto_onthefirst

With over 2.6 million views, this video touched many and people agreed with Abraham's take on the reality of American life. "I’m always sobbing when I come back to the US. Because it feels like you always have to be ready to fight. Always on guard. Always ready for whatever. I want to be soft," said @melody_of_melancholy. "The problem with the US is we live in an individualistic society, not a collectivist one," stated @blaze_targaryen. "We have zero sense of community anymore. I was so excited to meet our neighbors when we got a house last year but when we reached out got nothing in return," chimed in @brittanyboltt. "Life is getting harder and people are very stressed out, there is no more joy in life here," added @zk99120.

You can follow Walking With Abraham (@walkingwithabraham) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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