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Sweet mama dog finds shelter from the cold in nativity scene manger and delivers her puppies there

The symbolism was not lost on residents who came by to pay their respects and offer gifts and food.

Sweet mama dog finds shelter from the cold in nativity scene manger and delivers her puppies there
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Dejando huellitas S O S Palenque

Talk about divine symbolism! When the government of Palenque, in Southern Mexico, set up a large nativity scene on the main square, little did they know a special visitor was going to drop by. According to My Modern Met, tradition says baby Jesus is not placed in the manger until Christmas. Local residents were surprised to find someone else in the fluffy pile of hay to rest on, right into the highlighted area of the scene. A sweet mama stray dog had taken over the manger... and that's not all. The locals soon realized she was not alone as had recently given birth to seven adorable puppies.



Local journalist Eric Guzmán was one of the first to spot the mama and her babies curled up inside the straw-lined display.  “I was awestruck, and at the same time joyful seeing that she had her puppies in a safe place where they won’t get wet or cold,” Guzmán told The Dodo. “It’s been cold lately in Palenque, but it’s usually hot throughout the year.” The symbolic event was not lost on local residents who soon paid a pilgrimage to the site bringing food and gifts. Officials have also allowed the animals to stay for as long as possible while local activists Dejando Huellitas SOS have stepped in to find the family a new home. The pups are still too young to be taken away from their mother but many people have come forward to adopt them. “Hopefully, we as citizens will become more aware when it comes to dogs, to adopt strays [rather than buy dogs],” Guzmán said. “We should love dogs, no matter where they come from.”



The Internet fell in love with the sweet tale with @monicafreiler1 tweeting: Hooray for mama dog finding the very safest place to bring her pups into the world! God bless her! Debb Van Keirsbelk wrote on Facebook: That's wonderful! A nice warm place to give a manger! The Christmas gift hopefully was that this sweet dog and her puppies found homes!! Joy Fertsch added: So glad they were allowed to stay and that all will find permanent homes for they are truly blessed. Carol Cowan shared: God blessed her with a place to have her babies too how adorable. I hope they now have a wonderful home !!! Bless the earth angel who took the picture posted it and I’m sure made sure all pups were safe! Thank you.


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