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Surprisingly heartwarming message from a neighbor makes woman's day and we are obsessed

The husband shared that his wife unexpectedly received a card from a neighbhor and it was the most wholesome gesture ever!

Surprisingly heartwarming message from a neighbor makes woman's day and we are obsessed
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Lukas; Reddit | u/SlapChop

Small gestures by people can make a huge difference in someone's life and this woman would completely agree with this. u/SlapChop shared a picture of a card his wife received from a neighbor and how she couldn't stop smiling since getting it. The husband captioned the post, "A wholesome neighbor unexpectedly sent my wife this card. She hasn't stopped smiling today." Gestures like these show what it means to live in a good community.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Katya Wolf
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Katya Wolf

The picture showed the inside of a card and on one side, the neighbor wrote, "Hello there, I have lived in the neighborhood for over seven years and am an avid gardener. I have also thought the house you now live in is so cute. I love that you put up the window boxes and planted all these flowers." The neighbor went on to tell her that if she needs any other perennials, she would love to share them with her. "I have many that I can divide to share," she wrote. She shared her address and continued, "I enjoy seeing others' flowers flourish. Come by if you'd like to see any."

Image Source: Reddit | u/SlapChop
Image Source: Reddit | u/SlapChop

On the next page, it was printed, "Wishing you all the joy and beauty of the season," along with a flower below it. The neighbor wrote beneath, "Take care and Happy Gardening! Cordially, Rebecca." The post received over 5k upvotes on the platform. People loved the woman's kind gesture. u/CheesyChick commented, "That's so heartwarming! What a lovely gesture from your neighbor. It's amazing how a simple act of kindness can brighten someone's day so much. Hope your wife keeps smiling!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/FieldOfScreamQueens
Image Source: Reddit | u/FieldOfScreamQueens

u/xNinja wrote, "I have never received a full-on card or letter from a neighbor or anyone before! That is so sweet and how cool! She put effort and thought into it, plus free flowers. Hope your wife enjoys her new friend and you all have garden parties together." u/Any-Court9772 expressed, "Oh my goodness, I would totally be baking her some lemon squares and popping in for a visit to see her garden. She sounds lovely!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/Imaginary_Still_3206
Image Source: Reddit | u/Imaginary_Still_3206

u/lestatisalive shared, "I'd meet up with her because how nice of her to send a card and that penmanship is stunning. Nobody sends letters anymore and it's so nice to get a letter from a friend. We should make a pen pal club deliberately offline." u/JazziTazzi said, "Wow! Not only is this a beautiful message, but her handwriting is gorgeous! I would definitely go over and meet this lady!"

In another story, a 5-year-old made an adorable card for his mother and brightened her day. The mom first shared a backstory, revealing that she had a mental breakdown in front of her child. So, the kid made a card for her to cheer her up. The card's first page has a drawing of a boy climbing a ladder, with the moon and stars drawn above it. Next to the drawing, the child wrote, "I love you to the moon, mama." Inside the card, there was another drawing of a mother and son holding hands. It was written, "Happy Mother's Day." Below the drawing, the child wrote his name and wrote "mama" below the woman's picture.

Image Source: Reddit | u/serendipity_444
Image Source: Reddit | u/serendipity_444

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