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Supportive dad has the sweetest reaction when surprised with daughter's unexpected SAT scores

Every parent would want to see their kids excel in academics and this dad couldn't hold back his excitement and pride when his daughter revealed her scores.

Supportive dad has the sweetest reaction when surprised with daughter's unexpected SAT scores
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @soaphia03

Every single parent who sends their kids to school expects to see them make the best of the opportunity. They would love nothing more than to see their offspring achieve top-notch grades, get illustrious degrees and land jobs doing what they love. So when @soaphia03 shared a video of her dad reacting to her 1590 SAT scores on TikTok, social media users couldn't help but join in the virtual celebration with him.

Image Source: TikTok | @soaphia03
Image Source: TikTok | @soaphia03

In the viral video with over 11 million views on the platform, we see her dad sitting by her side at the dining table as he prepares himself dramatically to listen to his daughter's scores. The family and the young lady had expected her to score 1510 and she'd outdone herself by scoring a whopping 1590. As soon as the daughter announces that she surpassed their expectation, her dad immediately exclaims, "You did better than 1510?!" Then he dramatically calms himself down to listen to her actual score.

Image Source: TikTok | @soaphia03
Image Source: TikTok | @soaphia03

Upon hearing his daughter's incredible score, her dad erupts into shouting and exclaiming while banging the dining table with his fists. It is a delight to watch a proud father cheering for his daughter's success in academics. "No way!" her dad keeps repeating the same words multiple times as he tries to compose himself. "Are you kidding me? Oh my god, my head is exploding. You are not joking, right? Holy cow, that is so awesome." Then he proceeds to fist-bump his daughter. He then looks up at the ceiling, processing the information. TikTok users loved the dad's wholesome reaction and left a bunch of comments appreciating the same.

@aleflor016 wrote, "I didn’t know 1500 was good until I saw these vids. I got a 1510 and no one batted an eye so I thought that was just average." @karcrap joked, "When I got my ACT score I freaked out because I was so excited only to call every member of my family and no one picked up." The video was reposted on Reddit by u/Two_Inches_Of_Fun where the dad's reaction got the community cackling with joy. u/seidinove quipped, "My son got a 790 on the math SAT and we asked him if he wanted to take it again to try for 800 and he said that he didn't want to get up that early on a Saturday again." 

Image Source: TikTok | @moonlightpinball
Image Source: TikTok | @moonlightpinball


Image Source: Reddit | u/Ok-Exchange5756
Image Source: Reddit | u/Ok-Exchange5756

u/Illustrious_Can4110 pointed out, "He's also happy because she will be able to take really good care of him once he gets really old." u/Deathcommand remarked, "I remember my little sister got in trouble because the scores changed while she was studying. When she started she was getting like close to 2000 and when she was close to taking it, she was getting like 1400 and my mom was shocked that her grade fell so much even though she studied so much."

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In a similar story, SAT and ACT scores aren't the only important grades anymore as educational institutes are introducing home economic classes once again. Home economics classes prepare the students for the real world as much as theoretical subjects do their part to educate them. Home economic classes used to be popular in the past century but gradually they were discontinued in schools and other educational institutes. As a result, most children fail to develop the skills they need to survive in the real world and eventually run a household by themselves at some point.

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Marti Harvey, a lecturer at the University of Texas at Arlington, found that her students didn't even know that they'd need to pay property taxes for the rest of their lives because their high schools just didn't teach them the basics of taxation. "It's a failing of our educational system that students don't leave high school with this basic understanding, among other things. That's why we need to bring back the old home economics class. Teach basic economics along with budgeting, comparison shopping, basic cooking skills and time management. Give them a better start in real life than they get now," Harvey told Dallas Morning News.

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