While on a tight budget, the new mom asked for just one cookie, but the Subway employee did something unexpected.
Being kind is a choice that most people do not consider to have in them, but for this Subway worker, it serves as shining armor. In a wholesome instance, a small act of kindness brought unexpected joy to a new mom's day as she juggled the responsibilities of parenting and budgeting. While grocery shopping with her little one, she caught the enticing smell of freshly baked Subway cookies. However, with a tight budget, she decided to ask how much one chocolate chip cookie would cost, only to be met with an even more surprising gesture. The mom (u/Accurate-Evening7252) shared on Reddit that she had some spare change and asked the worker, “How much for one chocolate chip cookie?”
The Subway employee replied, “$1.50.” After handing over the coins, he smiled and said, “I have some of the broken ones here I want to give you.” What came next left her emotional. “And he gave me so many cookies. It filled the bag.” The new mom was overwhelmed. She shared, “I melted. It just made my damn day.” “Thank you, Subway man,” she wrote in her heartfelt recount of the experience, which resonated deeply with others online. People shared similar experiences and reflected on the impact of small gestures of kindness.
u/IsThisWhatDayIsThis said, “I just love this story. I’ve been you in the past—a young infant and literally counting every dollar. The fact that the Subway guy ‘saw’ you and spoiled you in this way, human-to-human, is so nice. Inspiring, really.” u/Dejonda added, “This speaks a lot to your character. They don’t go handing out broken cookies to just anyone. You are amazing, mama. I hope you enjoyed those delish cookies! Also, what an awesome dude gifting those cookies. #EmployeeOfTheMonth.”
Others chimed in with their memories of kindness. “This reminds me that years ago, I was trying to control my overeating by not keeping any snacks in my house, and I would walk half a mile to a store (not Subway) and buy one cookie when I wanted a treat. At one point, the employees felt sorry for me because they would throw in some broken cookies for free… even though I could afford them, but was just trying to snack less,” u/Mangomama619 shared.
Flat-Succotash5369 wrote, “When things were beyond tight recently, I went through every purse and coat pocket to find every coin possible. I took $8 in quarters to the gas station. I was embarrassed and apologized to the cashier. She was very nice and said not to worry about it; it happens. I’ll never forget how nice she was.”
u/Individual_Ebb3219 chimed in, “When I was like 20 and so broke (while working two jobs), one day I walked into the Krispy Kreme by my second job. They smelled so heavenly, I really wanted one. But I knew I shouldn’t, that I needed that money for bills. So I stood there with a longing expression on my face, daydreaming. The sweet girl behind the counter smiled at me, handed me a fresh, warm glazed donut, and said, ‘Here’s a free sample!’ I could have cried I was so happy and grateful.”