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Students get professor to unknowingly participate in amusing secret word game for a full semester

Now that the semester has come to an end, one student shared some of the hilarious instances from the secret word game and the internet loves it.

Students get professor to unknowingly participate in amusing secret word game for a full semester
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | ICSA; Reddit | u/The BronzePrincess03

Life as a student is a wonderful experience, especially if they are blessed with fun classmates and easygoing faculty. Haven't we all done some sneaky stuff like passing notes, discreetly snacking or chatting on the phone while our teachers/professors were focused on imparting knowledge? These little moments are the ones making the experience so lively and unforgettable. One such fun college class experience was shared by u/TheBronzePrincess03, who shared how their class played a secret word game right under their professor's nose for a whole semester. The student titled the post, "One of my professors has been participating in a game with the class all semester and he doesn't know it."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

"Today was the last class of the semester and therefore the last round of the game, so I just had to share," wrote the student and added, "As an FYI, we are allowed to have our computers open in this class and if the professor knew what we were up to, he would 100% be on board, but he can't because that would mess everything up." They then explained the hilarious yet creative word game: "During every class, everyone is assigned a word via a spreadsheet we all share with each other. Everyone has to use their word as part of a discussion with the professor as casually as they can."

Representative Image Source: Pexels |  RDNE Stock Project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

But the real test of the game lies in how the students and the professor respond to the word. "If they are successful, they win. If the professor comments on the word, like saying how random it was, they lose. If they laugh at someone else's words, they lose. If they don't say their word, they lose," the student wrote, explaining the rules. They also mentioned that the game that went on for the whole semester has been quite fun and shared some of the best lines. "Hippos are people too. Can you get kicked out of McDonald's for eating a Baconator? What's the opposite of tomfoolery? You can replace oils with applesauce in a lot of recipes. I'm not the sharpest knife in the electrical socket."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau

The student revealed that she had lost the game a few times for laughing when some of these lines were said. Finally, she shared how she used the word assigned to her, 'breadsticks,' in the discussion: "I would judge a first date by how good the free breadsticks are." The student concluded her post, writing, "Just wanted to share because it's been a well-kept secret since August. Hopefully, someone finds it as amusing as we all have." True to her words, several Reddit users found it interesting.

Image Source: Reddit | u/amyloulie
Image Source: Reddit | u/amyloulie
Image Source: Reddit | u/HippyGramma
Image Source: Reddit | u/HippyGramma

One professor in the community, u/HeyoDude920, commented, "As a professor, I am here for this. I would 100% love this. Please make sure and share it with them as well!" u/RenegadeSU shared a similar college experience, "We've played Bingo with one of our professors who likes to repeat stories and phrases a lot. Would type them all into a random bingo sheet generator and then send them around class every week: 1) Professor complains about Church bells interrupting his lessons again, 2) Professor refers to his old college days, 3) Professor reiterates the importance of his teaching in real-life applications (that are completely outdated), etc." u/avg-bee-enjoyer rightly pointed out, "Increasing participation and having fun that's not at someone else's expense. Seems like a winner of an idea to me."

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