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Student outplays arrogant authorities with a smart phone call after being denied their medication

Despite having a prescription, the student was refused medication. They then shrewdly made a phone call to just the right person.

Student outplays arrogant authorities with a smart phone call after being denied their medication
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels: Max Fischer, Reddit/u/Royal_Relief5553

There is a policy for everything, especially in formal institutions like workplaces or schools. However, sometimes many authorities take advantage of these policies to establish their arrogant power and play politics. Leaving behind equality and fair play, many bend rules and policies to defend their unjust actions. u/Royal_Relief5553 shared an experience where they were being discriminated against as a student. However, when the school assistant principal played the arrogant and snobby card, they outplayed him in a shrewd and witty manner.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| CDC
Representative Image Source: Pexels| CDC

The student shared that they had been living with their dad in a posh place but were abused by their stepmom. A few years later, the student’s mom won custody and they moved to a small local home. “I switched from a fancy, extremely competitive, snobby private school to the local public school by choice,” they added. The student shared that although they got some weird looks for expressing themselves through their appearance, all went well as they paid attention in class and performed well academically. The problem arose when the student got a migraine. They got prescribed medication for the same, which they decided to take to the school nurse’s office.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pavel Danilyuk
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pavel Danilyuk

“Finally got a prescription for them, non-narcotic and took it straight to the nurse's office because the district had a zero-tolerance policy and having even Tylenol would get you expelled for drug possession,” they said. The nurse, however, was adamant that the student get a doctor's signature for the medication, even though it was already prescribed with the student’s name. When the nurse didn’t give in and stayed arrogant about their decision, the students stressed themselves into a migraine. “Call me a Karen, but I felt entitled to go to the nurse's office and be dispensed my medication and so I politely requested it be given to me,” they said.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio

However, despite the efforts, the nurse still refused to provide the medication, which led to the involvement of the assistant principal. The student then brainstormed a solution and said, “Then it occurred to me that it was within my power to get my medicine. Because I had a secret weapon. So I had to be sneaky.” They requested to call one of their parents and made the shrewd choice of calling their stepdad, who happened to be a popular radio host. The student mentioned how their stepdad was on air but would take the call.

While the stepdad put on commercials, the student explained to him what had happened. “Then I suppressed a sh*t-eating grin while handing the phone to the assistant principal to talk to my stepdad. I managed a poker face,” the student said. “The assistant principal didn't realize he was talking to Bill Jones (the radio host) when he dismissed my concerns and even suggested I should be denied my medication simply due to my pants, which I'd been wearing half the year without a problem but were a uniform violation that day. He explained, that's just how it is, tough luck and did not realize the s**t he'd just stepped into,” they explained.

Minutes later, the stepdad brought up the district’s medical policy issues on air and many people pitched in to share their inconveniences. “45 minutes after I was arrogantly denied the legally prescribed medication that I needed, the assistant principal came into the classroom I was in, knelt beside my desk and whispered, ‘Hey. You want to come take your medication?’"

Representative Image Source: Kampus Production
Representative Image Source: Kampus Production

Several commenters applauded the intelligent move the student made in calling up their stepdad. u/kilamumster said, “Good job! The most incompetent power-hungry a**hats choose to work with children so the victims can't fight back.” u/marsredkat said, “Sounds justified to me! As a doctor, the label with instructions is my instruction! That's why I write it so my patients take their meds correctly.”

Image Source: Reddit/u/Entheosparks
Image Source: Reddit/u/Entheosparks


Image Source: Reddit/u/rachelboese
Image Source: Reddit/u/rachelboese



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