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Student writes heartwarming poem to comfort teacher after her beloved pet passed away

The kid gives their teacher a card titled 'Best Friends' and inside it, they write a poem about the cat.

Student writes heartwarming poem to comfort teacher after her beloved pet passed away
Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay, Reddit | u/schywalker

When someone loses a dear pet, the words and gestures of others can provide great comfort. A teacher shared a card made by a student after the loss of their cat. Reddit user u/schywaler posted a picture of the card and the poem written by the student. The child's gesture touched many hearts online. The card’s first page is titled "Best Friends" and features a drawing of a cat surrounded by hearts. The next page contains the poem, also titled "Best Friend."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sarah Dietz
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sarah Dietz

The poem reads, "She was a black furry cat. To people, she was just a cat but to one person she was more than that. She was the sky, the moon and the stars but she will always be with us no matter where we are." The teacher has also added a picture of their cat in the post. It is captioned, "One of my students wrote me a poem for my cat who passed away last month." They commented on the post sharing how they felt after losing their beloved pet. "Tux passed away on April 20th which has left me devastated. I wasn't home when she died, so I didn't get to say goodbye. I miss her more than anything, but all of the kind comments mean so much to me." 

Image Source: Reddit | u/schywalker
Image Source: Reddit | u/schywalker

People in the comments loved what the students wrote for their teacher. u/Best-Ad-2043 wrote, "That's just the sweetest. This kid is going to be a lovely adult. I had a relief class in year 6, they surprised me after lunch and jumped out and sang, 'Happy Birthday.' It was my birthday the previous weekend and I'd mention it to one kid earlier in the day. Some days, I wonder how this generation will survive. Then, other days, I'm shown love and care beyond anything I would expect. Teaching can be jarring like that." u/many_chipchip expressed, "Your poem touched me. What a cute gesture on the part of your student. I am so sorry for your loss, he will always be in your heart. And you will have the good memories you had together."

Image Source: Reddit | u/allday77420
Image Source: Reddit | u/allday77420

u/didyoubutterthepan shared, "This is so sweet. As a fellow teacher, I appreciate that they used their best glitter gel pen for this." u/smashier commented, "What a precious child. You must make a really good impression on them to have gotten such a thoughtful little poem. My condolences for your loss too by the way. I hope your gift brought you some comfort." u/tothesource wrote, "Grief is truly the price of love. One can't exist without the other. For Tux! Also, I couldn't write a better poem than your student if I had all the time in the world. You should be truly proud of the impact you are having on your students. You clearly mean a lot to them." The child's kind gesture undoubtedly helped the teacher cope during such a difficult time in her life.

Image Source: Reddit | u/prvdlm01
Image Source: Reddit | u/prvdlm01

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