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Video of store managers letting in a pigeon during hailstorm highlights the importance of kindness

The bird can be seen quickly walking in and standing next to the door and seeking refuge during the hailstorm.

Video of store managers letting in a pigeon during hailstorm highlights the importance of kindness
Cover Image Source: Twitter/@GoodNewsCorres1

People being kind to each other can be so wholesome and heartwarming. However, when the same kindness is extended to animals, it hits differently. In a video posted by @GoodNewsCorres1 on Twitter, store managers can be seen letting in people seeking shelter from the hail, and to everyone's surprise, a pigeon also was allowed to seek shelter at the store. The bird can then be seen standing next to the door.   

Though the location of the video is not known, it has garnered more than 135k views and 4393k likes, with many appreciating how the store managers gave shelter to a bird. @batatasan78 commented, "Another cute visitor was allowed to shelter herself from the hail and stayed by the door with a tiny gap on the wall. so cute, these people are so nice." @StaceyMalouin wrote, "Awe…warms my heart to see people so kind." @mamacrizol expressed, "So respectful of the bird to hang by the door to wait for the hail to pass," while @berrock_ pointed out, "Beautiful act of human kindness." @FlemmingCarlson commented, "It's simple. Be kind." 

On March 22, harsh wintry weather lashed California and moved into neighboring states of the Desert Southwest. Reportedly, at least five people died in and around San Francisco, as reported by Reuters. Once the rain, wind and snow subsided, they downed power lines of more than 92,000 homes and businesses, leaving them without electricity, while the flood warnings kept 14,000 people under evacuation orders. A spokesperson for the California Office of Emergency Services told Reuters that about 48,000 other people were warned to be ready to flee to higher ground in case of rain-swollen streams overflowing their banks. It is said to be the twelfth such storm to sweep the West Coast since late December.  



In another similar video, a woman shared how a young pigeon "adopted" her at a British bar. "So I'm in the bar with my pals when this pigeon decided to perch on my lap," the woman, who goes by the username @realvintagedollshouse on TikTok, explains in the video. "I found out from the staff that he'd wandered into the pub and people were kicking him." Hannah Hall, an NHS worker from Nottingham, added that she was informed by local students that they had brought the pigeon to the pub she was at after it walked into another pub up the road and seemed "disoriented," according to BBC

She believes that the pigeon wanted to be cared for when he came to her that day. Hall was not sure if he would survive the night after she brought him home but each day the bird became stronger and stronger. A commenter remarked that the video feels like "the start of a Disney movie."


"I knew I couldn't leave him so I bought him home," Hall says in the video, as she is seen carrying the pigeon home on her shoulder. "He was so worn out that he once even fell asleep on me." The video then showed a montage of the pigeon's growth over the following days. She concluded the video by requesting viewers' assistance on whether she should keep the pigeon, send it to a sanctuary, or release it back into the wild. 

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