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Stepdad takes a stand for his 10-year-old daughter after she is body-shamed by her grandmother

The 10-year-old was moved to tears after being body-shamed by her grandmother for having a few treats.

Stepdad takes a stand for his 10-year-old daughter after she is body-shamed by her grandmother
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio; Reddit | u/superdupppy

Children need a boost of confidence and encouragement while growing up. Along with this, adults must support a child no matter their flaws. Dad, u/Superduppppy, took a stand for his 10-year-old stepdaughter when her grandparent's body shamed her. The dad shared a post on Reddit and explained the situation and his rightful reaction. The dad mentioned that his daughters would spend the weekend at their grandparent's house and of late, his 10-year-old daughter has been quiet.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Monstera Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Monstera Production

"This afternoon, she was emotional when she got in my truck. I could tell she had been crying," the dad said. After communicating with her, the daughter finally opened up and spoke to her dad. "Finally, after some prying, she told me her grandmother was being rude to her. She explained how she is forbidding her any treats and making comments about her body. She's only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the 6-year-old whatever she wants while saying to the 10-year-old, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation.'" Things did not end there. The grandparents brought home donuts and the daughter snuck one up.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pavel Danilyuk
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pavel Danilyuk

When her grandmother found out, she lashed out at the little girl for sneaking food and having something she was not supposed to. "I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the parking lot and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and was aggressive with my tone and words," the dad said. The grandmother gave a neglected response that she would like to take matters into her own hands concerning the girl's weight. "My daughter seemed relieved in the sense she got it off her chest and I told her to ignore her grandmother because that was very inappropriate behavior," the dad mentioned. He added that he rewarded his daughters to cheer them up.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio

When the dad got home, he got two bits from his wife about how he had spoken to her mother. On explaining further, his wife said, "You know, regardless of how you feel about what my mom did, I can't believe you rewarded bad behavior because she (10 y/o) did disobey my mom's rule about only eating healthy foods while at her house." The dad, unable to fathom the ridiculousness of the situation, titled the grandmother's behavior as "traumatizing the child." The dad then made up his mind and decided on his daughter's mental health.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio

He said, "I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was unreasonable and I needed to apologize to her mother for my 'explosive' behavior over the phone. I'm man enough to apologize for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child." Many people were grateful and applauded the dad for standing up for his daughter. u/starmommy41 said, "Grandma has already given her an eating disorder if she is hiding the food she is eating." u/sharri70 said, "Thank goodness someone wants to parent the poor child with some love."

Image Source: Reddit/u/user
Image Source: Reddit/u/user
Image Source: Reddit/u/alloutofbees
Image Source: Reddit/u/alloutofbees

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