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'Sorry for your loss': Employee resigns with the funniest farewell card, goes viral

Sam Baines resigned from his job at a call center in Sheffield, United Kingdom, with a condolence card.

'Sorry for your loss': Employee resigns with the funniest farewell card, goes viral
Image Source: bitchitshan / Twitter

Editor's note: This article was originally published on July 14, 2021. It has since been updated.

We may have heard the line "no one is indispensable" at the workplace before, but Sam Baines refused to believe the saying. When the former call center worker notified his employer that he was leaving, he did so in the most hilarious way everโ€”with a condolence card. Baines said farewell to his boss, telling him he was very "sorry for his loss." If that is not confidence, then we do not know what is. His iconic way of informing his employer that he was leaving made its rounds on social media after his colleague Hannah posted a photograph of the card on Twitter, INSIDER reports.



Hannah posted on the social media platform, "One of our team members handed in their notice like this." The post included two photos of the card, one of the outside and another of the message inside the card. The outside read, "So very sorry for your loss." Whereas the inside read, "Thinking of you at this difficult time." Baines added that his last day of work would be July 28. In her post, Hannah clarified that a month's notice was common where she worked, hence the early condolence card. Since it was first uploaded, the Twitter user's post has received over 69,000 retweets. It has also been liked over 401,000 times.



In an interview with INSIDER, Baines revealed why he decided to submit his month's notice in this fashion. "I've been working here for almost a year now and had to hand my notice in as I'm going back to university this September," he shared. "We are a really close team and have a fantastic manager, so we're always joking around and having fun. I knew I had to do something a little more creative when giving my notice to try and get one more joke in before I left!"

He continued, "I knew my boss would find it funny, so I wasn't worried about how they'd take it. I came up with the idea because I was always joking about how much they'd miss me when I was gone, then thought a condolence card would be the perfect way to finish it off. It went down great and helped make a positive from an otherwise sad situation." Hannah confirmed that the team did find it hilarious indeed. "Everyone was laughing and pretty amused with the card," she admitted. "It was done in good spirit and not as a petty reaction as some people think."

In addition to all of Baines's colleagues, Twitter users found the card just as funny. One user commented, "I love their work, I honestly have no choice but to stan." Another added, "That is genius! I think thatโ€™s what I will do the next time I find a better job." Others shared photos of cards their friends, colleagues, and employees had handed in, just like Baines did. Sharing photos of the same card, one Twitter user wrote, "I know someone who did [the] exact same thing, exact same card." If you plan on quitting soon, you now know exactly how to do it.


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