A son's way of remembering his late father, looking at their last pictures makes everyone teary-eyed.
Losing someone dear is one of life's most heart-wrenching experiences. It is an intolerable pain that lingers in the quiet spaces of our hearts forever. However, everyone has different ways of handling their sorrows and finding solace through various paths of healing. Often, the journey of moving on does not begin with forgetting but with embracing the grief. Similarly, a man—who goes by u/6fttallguy on Reddit—shared how he is reminded of his father, whom he lost two years ago, every day when he watches sunlight fall on their shared photograph.
The man shared a touching picture of the corridor in his home, where, right next to the main door, he had placed the last photograph of himself, his father, and his brother. "Every day at 4:30 pm, the sun sets in my neighborhood, and for about 20 minutes, the light hits JUST RIGHT on the last photo we took together of my Dad, my brother, and I," he revealed.
Reflecting on his emotions after the loss of his father, the man shared, "Today marks two years since our Dad passed away, but I know he's there with us every step of the way." A closer look at the photograph shows the late father posing alongside his sons while in the hospital, perhaps. Who could have imagined this would be the final picture that the sons would hold dear for the rest of their lives?
The post received an overwhelming response, leaving people seemingly moved by the heartfelt anecdote. For instance, u/burgundyholly345 wrote, "Moments like this can remind us that our loved ones remain in our hearts, guiding us even when they’re no longer physically with us." Similarly, u/usernamesoccer, who had a movie recommendation for the man, shared, "You should watch 'Surviving Death' on Netflix. It’s about the afterlife and people's experiences and there is an episode on signs because gosh, if I ever saw one…the love is eternal, and that energy can never be destroyed." Meanwhile, u/god-of-Reddit said, "Keep in mind that the sun may fade the photo, hopefully, the picture has a special UV glass on it."
u/barefootandwild commented, "The number 430 in spiritual circles apparently means that angels are encouraging you to maintain a positive attitude and keep up the communication with them. I’m guessing your dad is your angel. How beautiful! And I am very sorry for your loss. Also, do you have a UV coat on your picture? Otherwise, it will fade over time."
On the other hand, u/springchikn85 added, "It is as if heaven itself helped divide the clouds so that your dad could highlight what he valued most in life and now eternally. Very touching. Thanks for sharing with us, friend." u/djkamon commented, "It's beautiful how the memory of your dad continues to shine through in moments like this." u/ Resident-Low-5389 chimed in, "This is the kind of stuff the boys (everyone) wants to see." u/Slay_Dilly said, "A truly special moment every day. I love the way you see this."