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Son takes stepdad's last name in an emotional gesture, showing family isn't just about blood

Jake's stepdad, Steve Sample, wouldn't have imagined that his birthday celebration would become an unforgettable moment he'd cherish forever.

Son takes stepdad's last name in an emotional gesture, showing family isn't just about blood
Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)

The bond between stepparents and stepchildren can be complex, often shaped by unspoken emotions and invisible barriers. Yet, for those willing to embrace vulnerability, meaningful connections can flourish. Jake Randle is one such example—he chose to add his stepdad’s last name to his own as a tribute to the man who had supported their blended family for over a decade. A video capturing this heartfelt moment, shared by Jake’s sister (@keauramanifests888), is a powerful reminder that family isn’t just about blood—it’s about love and commitment.

Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)
Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)

“My stepdad stepped up well over a decade ago having no children of his own. My brother, who isn’t his blood, is adding his last name to his to continue his lineage,” Jake’s sister wrote in the text overlay. The background displayed a colorful cluster of red and black balloons decorating a wall, as well as several funny road signs. The decoration was meant to be a part of the celebration for Steve Sample, Jake’s stepfather.


As Steve stood against the decorated wall in a gray shirt, Jake stepped away momentarily, asking his stepdad to stay put. “So, I’ve had this idea for over a month, and I’ve been thinking about it. I talked to Mom, and I talked to Grandma about this idea,” Jake said, as the camera panned to capture him walking from a desk towards Steve. Clasping a folder in his hands, Jake told Steve, “I have made this final decision because I am grateful to you, everything that you’ve done for not only me, but this family and yours including. So, I took it upon myself to add ‘Sample’ to my name.”

Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)
Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)

Steve looked stunned, his head tilting slightly as he processed Jake’s words. Before he could respond, Jake handed him the folder. “That’s paperwork.” Steve gazed at the folder, stepped forward, and slung an arm across Jake’s shoulder, hugging him. As they embraced, patting each other on the back, Steve became teary-eyed. The frames that followed in the video showed several photographs of their blended family.


In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, Jake revealed that he decided to add his stepdad’s surname to his own after he noticed that their mailbox had two separate names: his last name and Steve’s. "At that moment, I thought, 'Why wasn’t mine the same?'" he told the outlet. He had also always wanted to express his gratitude to Steve for years of love and support. "I didn’t really know a true, solidified way to thank him for everything that he’s done," he shared. "I’m sure there are things that he’s done and sacrificed time after time that I don’t know about."

Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)
Happy man celebrating his stepdad's birthday (Image Source: TikTok | @keauramanifests888)

Meanwhile, Steve told the outlet that he felt blown away by Jake’s decision: "I’m happy I have this. I’m just totally blown away." He added that parents are just parents, and "Blood doesn’t mean everything because families are the ones you make." Steve became Jake’s stepdad nearly two decades ago when he tied the knot with his mom, Sheila. He seamlessly integrated into their family, fostering a loving connection with Jake and his sister, Keirrah. After all these years of caretaking Sheila’s children, Steve received the recognition and acknowledgment he deserved.

Image Source: TikTok | @ashaguilar241016
Image Source: TikTok | @ashaguilar241016
Image Source: TikTok | @shoelover99
Image Source: TikTok | @shoelover99

With over 8.5 million views and 8,000 comments, this heartfelt video captured the attention of the internet.

“I truly admire people who can have emotional conversations and not cry. I wouldn’t be able to talk after ‘I had an idea,’” said @sellamartinez. wrote, “This guy is going places. What a great role model this young man is.” @amberdenise358 stated, “Steve isn't a stepdad he is the dad!”

@keauramanifests888 Happy Birthday Steve, think this one goes down in the books as the best one yet❤️ we love you and truly couldn’t have lived the life we have without you. Thanks for putting up with our bs and taking on two kids (and a grand kid) that you didn’t have to and treating us like your own. A stand up guy, one in a million. We’re 1000 times grateful for you🙏🏽 #stepdadsoftiktok #steppedup #thankyou #55 #oldman ♬ These Memories - Hollow Coves


You can follow Jake's sister (@keauramanifests888) on TikTok to watch more of her family videos.

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