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Son has the sweetest reaction after his parents gift him colorblind glasses for his 10th birthday

His father asks him to try on the glasses and to look at the balloons, and the son can be seen crying. He then hugged his parents.

Son has the sweetest reaction after his parents gift him colorblind glasses for his 10th birthday
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/Raising_Danger

It really makes a world of a difference when a child has attentive parents who shower them with affection. This was certainly the case for Jude, a 10-year-old boy. In a video posted on Reddit by u/Raising_Danger, a child named Jude was gifted colorblind glasses for his 10th birthday. He is seen entering the room and searching for his gift hidden amidst a many balloons. When he opens it and realizes what it is, he immediately starts crying and hugs his mother. His father asks him to try on the glasses and to look at the balloons. Jude continues to cry and keeps repeating, "Thank you so much." He comes back for hugs from his mother and thanks her. He then hugs his father, and his dad wishes him, "Happy Birthday, Jude."

Reddit | u/Raising_Danger
Reddit | u/Raising_Danger


This heartwarming video has more than 58,000 upvotes within 24 hours of posting the video. It is captioned,"My son getting his colorblind glasses for his 10th birthday." Many on Reddit marvel at how much the child is grateful to his parents. One user, u/Iaemloise2 commented, "What a sweet, sweet kid. I love how important it was to him to thank you first, even though he knew what was in store. I’m excited for him and all the new discoveries he’s about to make!" Another viewer of the video u/fmaholly commented, "That is a kid who truly sees the value in those glasses. You could see and hear how grateful he is. I’m so happy to have seen this today." u/Religiously-Numb commented, "Great, now I’m bawling all over my coffee and have to put my phone down to clean up…this was awesome!" 

While Jude gets emotional over his gift, his sibling sat in the back tearing up over his brother's reaction. u/hundredlux wrote, "Based on your son's reaction, and the older sons signs of empathy I can without a doubt determine how brilliant of a family this is. I wish you and your family the best of luck in all your future endeavors!"

Reddit | u/dered1
Reddit | u/dered1


Colorblind glasses obviously make one realize the beauty and wonder that is there in the world. In another story about a man who tried colorblind glasses for the first time, he is seen looking in awe at everything around him. He points at something on the table and says, "This is really red?" And someone tells him, "Yeah, like a reddy orange." He then looks at colored balls hanging behind him and goes, "This is like super green. This is blue?" Someone says, "Yeah" and then he starts laughing. He then says, "It's kind of like actually mindblowing." He names one more color on the table and is completely surprised by it all, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it. It's so many colors in it. It's so real." The video ends with him looking at a painting and saying, "Look at the cow, man. This is spectacular." 

Reddit | u/Raising_Danger
Reddit| u/Raising_Danger


Many on the platform could understand the joy he was feeling after witnessing the colors. u/bonobro69 wrote, "What you're witnessing is maximum gratitude." @u/Skygarg said, "Refreshing to watch this. Makes me feel grateful for all the things I have and don't care about." Another user, u/DarkandSparkly,  wished knowing of these glasses when his dad was alive, "Man, I so wish they’d had these glasses readily available when my dad was alive and says, "It would have been so cool to see him experience this!" u/TNT_613 wrote, "We take so much for granted. I'm so happy for this man!" Perhaps Jude will also be at awe at the new colours he discovers in his daily life. Take a look at this emotional video of a little boy's gratitude toward his parents.


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