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Color footage of snowball fight from 1896 shows that people were just as silly as us back then

Men are seen in suits and hats while women are seen in long puffy sleeves and their skirts are protected by aprons.

Color footage of snowball fight from 1896 shows that people were just as silly as us back then
Cover Image Source : Twitter | @LIHpics

A beautiful video of a snowball fight from 1896, in Lyon, France, is sure to warm your heart. In the video uploaded on Twitter, men, and women can be seen throwing snowballs at each other. Meanwhile, also trying to save themselves from the snowball attack. As a man on a cycle passes by, all their attention shifts to him and they all start throwing snowballs at him, he falls down. However, the snowballs don't stop hitting him and he hits a few back as well. Then he somehow picks up his bike and goes back to the way he came from. In the middle of this mayhem, two men standing near a street lamp can be seen watching all this from a distance.

Twitter | @LIHpics
Twitter | @LIHpics


Men are seen in suits and hats while women are in their long puffy sleeves and their skirts are protected by aprons. The video will surely remind you of the times when people were not caught up with their phones and instead spent time meeting people. The video has more than 64,000 views. According to New York Times, the footage was shot by the Lumiere brothers, who were one of the first filmmakers in the world. It was shot in black and white but recently it was colorized and smoothed and it seems modern. 



However, we all understand these historical people are very much like us. Despite having different clothes and traditions, they all pretty much had the same life - anxious, bored, entertained, or sometimes silly. Still, like us, they must have also wondered what the people in the past might have been like. But this snowball fight assures us that we all are alike and we too, will be gone one day. And we will also be imagined by future people and how the 2020s panned out.

Twitter | @LIHpics
Twitter | @LIHpics


Talking about snow, in a small community in Ohio, a person in a unicorn costume clears up their streets and everyone wants to meet and thank the person. A neighbor told local news, “He does the entire street, which is so awesome,” “and Wagar is a real long street.” It was a mystery for a while who this person is. Then it was revealed that it was Ron Kollmorgen, a man from the neighborhood, as reported by News 5 Cleaveland. Kollmorgen said that he started this tradition in 2020 and has been doing it since then. He said, “Just a little thing, a neighborly thing to do, and help out and the costume thing is just to make people smile." 



He added that he received the costume as a birthday gift and put it to good use. Apparently, such costumes help to insulate from the cold and snow. The unicorn went viral on Twitter after a person posted a picture of the person snow blowing. “Someone in Lakewood dons a unicorn costume while snow blowing and this is the kind of community I want,” someone wrote. The post was re-tweeted more than 47k times and liked by 323k people. Another person who posted a picture in 2020 wrote, "Such an awesome community!!! The Wagar Ave. The unicorn was back this year and just made my night!!!"

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