It's quite vexing to have our sleep interrupted but one should never do these 6 things when they're unable to go back to their slumber.
Times have changed, and the world is now buzzing with activity late into the night. Many people work past their usual bedtime, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep. What's even more frustrating is waking up in the middle of the night and struggling to get back to sleep. UK-based sleep advocate Lisa Artis, Deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity, shared some common habits that might prevent us from drifting back to sleep. Speaking with, Artis outlined six things to avoid if your sleep is interrupted, along with better alternatives.
Artis emphasizes avoiding overstimulation if you wake up late at night. Activities like checking emails, scrolling through social media, or watching TV can make it much harder to relax and fall back asleep. She also explained that screen time disrupts the sleep-wake cycle. "Instead, opt for calming activities like reading a book or listening to soothing music," she said. Another crucial thing to remember for good sleep is to avoid napping during the day. But if one really has to nap, Artis suggests they do so before 3 pm and keep it within 20 minutes.
The third warning was against consuming caffeine. It's hard to spend time in the middle of the night if one can't go back to sleep but having a sip of coffee is not the way to pass the time. "Don't let caffeine and nicotine turn your sleep into a jittery jive," Artis mentioned. Instead, she suggested "a comforting mug of golden milk," a beverage made with turmeric, ginger, and warm milk. The sleep advocate explained that this beverage helps one to relax and also enhances the duration of their sleep. Next comes a warning against frequent sleep aids. "It's best to reserve them for occasional use and consult a healthcare professional for proper guidance," Artis pointed out.
The fifth important thing to avoid is staying in bed while trying to go back to sleep. Artis says that one should get out of bed if they've been up for over 20 minutes when their sleep got interrupted. "Staying in bed may create an association between wakefulness and your sleep environment, making it even harder to fall asleep in the future," she explained. Finally, one should never turn on bright lights if they wake up in the middle of the night. Though this may be the first thing one would do when they get out of bed, Artis insists on keeping the light "as low as possible" while making sure they can navigate the room properly.
Speaking of healthy sleeping habits, a study published earlier this year highlighted the importance of sleep regularity over sleep duration. Published by the Oxford University Press, this study involved observation of sleep patterns of 10,000+ participants for around 3 years. People who had irregular sleep patterns seemed to be more prone to serious health risks compared to those who had regular sleep duration, even if it was lower than the recommended hours of sleep for an individual. The research emphasized the importance of maintaining similar sleep times every day.
This article originally appeared 5 months ago.