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Skincare specialist advises people against using testers on their skin for shocking reasons

Skincare expert Justin, who used to work at Sephora, shared mind-boggling reasons why people should completely avoid using testers on the face.

Skincare specialist advises people against using testers on their skin for shocking reasons
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin

Skincare and makeup routines are among the compulsory routines many people, especially women, follow. With the economy, tight schedules and ever-increasing prices, many opt for using alternatives instead of purchasing and adapting to a full-fledged and time-consuming routine. A skincare expert, Justin, shared a public service announcement warning customers against using skincare test samples at stores to do a complete makeup routine. In a TikTok video, the expert reacted to a woman’s video where she was doing a full-face skincare routine using testers at a Sephora outlet.

Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin
Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin

The woman is seen applying several products, all of which are testers at the store itself, to complete her skincare routine. Right from concealer and blush to lip gloss and mascara, the woman used all the testers on her entire face. The idea was to get an on-the-go routine in a cost-efficient way and using Spehora’s products seemed to be the cherry on the cake. However, Justin gave a very concerned look throughout the video and at the end, said, “Don’t be this person.” The expert, who is viral on TikTok and Instagram for his skincare advice and insights, shared more in the caption.

Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin
Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin

Elaborating on why one should not use testers, especially the way the woman did in the video on her entire face, Justin said, “A study was done where testers were swabbed at various departments and they found fungus, mold and feces!” He then referred to one of his previous videos where he explained why using testers isn’t the best idea. “As someone who used to work at Sephora, let me tell you, never put testers on your face or around your eyes or on your lips,” the expert said. He then shared his experience of working and watching people try the testers in stores and titled it “horrendous.”

Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin
Image Source: TikTok| @maximumskin

"When the peach palette by Two-Faced launched, I saw someone lick the eyeshadow,” Justin remarked. He added that people used products and put them back and some even used disposable wands and put them back. The expert suggested using products to test on hands if need be and was against the idea of using the products on the face. In the recent video, the expert reacted to the woman and couldn’t gauge the damage and danger she was exposing her face to by using such possibly infected products.

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A post shared by Justin Spracklin | Skincare, Science, Laser (@maximumskin)


The expert also issued another warning, letting people know that just because they tried the testers and didn’t get affected, that doesn't mean it would always be the case. “You’re playing a game of Russian roulette with acne breakouts, pink eye, cellulitis and other skin problems. End the game while you’re winning,” Justin concluded. Several users shared their experiences of having witnessed customers directly use products from racks and leave them back where they were with added bacteria and unwanted elements. @ajthomps said, “Oh yeah, I worked at Sephora's and people would do that all the time. Some of the testers were stinky and old and there was no replacement.” @virg0bunni3 said, “When I worked at Sephora, employees came in bare-faced and did their makeup with testers.”

Image Source: TikTok| @rattiella
Image Source: TikTok| @rattiella


Image Source: TikTok| @kattpiper
Image Source: TikTok| @kattpiper


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A post shared by Justin Spracklin | Skincare, Science, Laser (@maximumskin)


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