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Six-year-old is being hailed a hero for saving her entire family from deadly house fire

Her entire family is proud of her quick thinking and bravery which saved the entire family from being stuck in a house fire.

Six-year-old is being hailed a hero for saving her entire family from deadly house fire
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Laura Lee

Children are often underestimated when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. Sometimes, they can surprise everyone around them with their quick thinking and bravery just like this 6-year-old girl. When her house went up in flames on April 4, Thursday, Olivia was playing at her neighbor’s house with a friend. When she saw te smoke coming out of her house, she quickly rushed to action saving her entire family's lives, per SunnySkyz.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

The 6-year-old bravely got into her house and found her mother, Laura, and her two younger siblings, Joel-James and Tiffany, asleep on the sofa. She immediately woke them up saying, “Wake up Mom, wake up the babies.” They managed to leave the house unharmed, per PEOPLE. Sadie, Olivia’s grandmother couldn’t believe that it was the child who brought the family out. “We are absolutely so proud of her. She’s got ADHD so she’s been amazing. We can’t believe Olivia got Laura out—she’s six years old and ran into a burning building,” she told The Times. Laura shared that the fire started first at the neighbor’s house and began to spread to the roof of their three-bedroom house. She added that the structural damage that the fire caused was not repairable. A fire structural engineer looked at the property and has also said that the building needs to be demolished and rebuilt.


The family is said to be currently living in an Airbnb until they figure out a permanent place to live. “They managed to get a few of the baby’s clothes but everything else has gone,” Sadie said. “People have been donating beds, bedding and towels—things like that. She should be getting another council house but it’s all the little things to help her build everything back up.” An investigation is in process to find out how the fire started. The family was told that it could be because of a phone charger.


Laura’s former colleagues have been kind enough to set up a GoFundMe page for the family to rebuild their house. They wrote, “We want to raise funds for Laura to help them in any small way to overcome the devastating circumstance they are in.” The funding page also mentioned that the family would also accept household items as they have very few belongings left. They have raised about $6162 when their goal was $5000.


In another story of bravery, a dog saved a baby from a burning fire. Blue, a rescue dog ran back into the house to make sure 1-year-old Chantal was safe. She was still in her playpen. "The firefighters had to chase him up - and once they got up there, they realized what was going on, said Kelley. Blue is a mix of a Pit Bull and a Labrador and the family knew when they were adopting him that he was a protective dog. “He also loves his best friend Smokey, the family cat,” the mom said. Despite the situation, the family was able to rent hotel rooms for two nights after they got a $290 donation to their GoFundMe campaign. 

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