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Siblings overcome with emotion after stepdad adopts them: 'You'll always be our dad'

The siblings' biological dad has been absent for 18 years and they had a great bond with their stepdad.

Siblings overcome with emotion after stepdad adopts them: 'You'll always be our dad'
Image source: Instagram/@izzymizzyy

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on November 8, 2021

Families are bound by love and not blood, and it's something Isabel and her two siblings have always believed in. They are incredibly close with their stepdad who has always looked out for them while having almost no relationship with their biological father who has been absent for over 18 years. Isabel and her siblings never needed a legal document to testify that he was their stepdad but when he officially asked to adopt them, they broke down, overcome with emotion. The video of the three of them reacting to the news has gone viral on the internet.


"My siblings and I haven't had the best relationship with our biological father. He's been pretty absent in our life for over 18 years," reads the onscreen text of the video posted by Isabel. "My Mom has been with a wonderful man and since the first day, he has treated us as his own and raised us. We have since seen him as our dad and not just our stepdad. He's always been our dad in our hearts and this just showed how much he's always loved us, promising he will always be there for us and forever be our dad." 


Isabel posted the video on Instagram where it has garnered close to 90k likes and elicinting a host of positive comments. The video shows Isabel and her siblings opening a small gift box. They are curious but clearly not expecting it to be adoption papers. As they open the box, they're intrigued by the document in it. Within seconds, it dawns on them that their stepdad wants to legally adopt them. The video appears to be taken by their Mom who tells them, "He wants to adopt you guys." All three of them tear up, before hugging their stepdad who's standing nearby watching them emotionally. He envelopes them in a giant hug as everyone in the room 'awws' and celebrates the moment. 

Isabel also paid tribute to her stepdad and their bond in the caption. "Our family is defined by love, not blood," she wrote. "Thank you dad for this beautiful gift to me and my siblings. You’ve truly always been a dad to us. We’ve argued, laughed, cried, and shared many memories. You were always there for us and always treated us like your own, not once have you made us feel less. And honestly who knew you can still legally adopt adults 😂 but I’m glad you want to do this. It’s just another promise you will always be our dad and you will always be there for us." 



The post was flooded with overwhelmingly positive comments. "This is so wonderful and heartfelt. So happy for you all," one person wrote. The post got everyone emotional. One person commented, "It's a good thing I'm in the shower, so one can see these tears." Another wrote, "It takes a real man to be a father." It was Isabel's brother who rushed to hug their dad first and one person said it just showed he was not afraid to express his feelings and that can only comes from being raised by a nice man. "I love that the son was all about his feeling first and that just shows me what kind of man raised him .... Protect that dad at all cost," they wrote on Good News Network's Instagram post. It was also an emotion shared by another person who wrote, "I love that it was the guy who went & hugged first 😭❤ so powerful."    

You can watch the video here:


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