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Vons shoppers use AI to create grocery list that costs less than $100: 'This is so smart!'

ChatGPT created a shopping list and meal plan for under $100 at Vons, a supermarket chain in Los Angeles.

 Vons shoppers use AI to create grocery list that costs less than $100: 'This is so smart!'
Cover Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax

People are discovering the usefulness of Artificial Intelligence for school essays, composing emails, code, task assistance and grocery lists. Whenever you visit your local supermarket, you feel squeezed for every dime by a ruthless corporate machine, so why not turn to AI to help you save money on groceries and stay within your budget?

By giving ChatGPT a “make me a grocery list” prompt, the AI will generate a personalized grocery list based on the number of people in your house, dietary restrictions and planned meals. If you want the shopping to be more specific, you can also plugin the ages and lifestyles of the people you cook for.

Recently, a TikTok couple tried making a cheap grocery list with the help of ChatGPT, and for the record, it turned out to be a smart move. In the video, which has received 535.8K views and 40k likes, @tyrannosaurus.rax shared how she and her partner asked ChatGPT to create a shopping list and meal plan for under $100 at Vons, a supermarket chain in Los Angeles.

They picked up vegetables, meat, dairy and fruits. Once they were checked out with two bags worth of groceries costing $108.63, @tyrannosaurus.rax admitted that she and her partner purchased other items that raised the total by $3. However, the AI stayed within the limits of $100. ChatGPT may not know the effects of inflation or what it is like to make financial sacrifices, but the bot knows solid tips for saving money.

Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax
Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax


Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax
Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax

According to Narcity, this is what ChatGPT had to say about saving money on your groceries. "Before heading to the store, make a list of the items you need to purchase. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and stick to your budget." It is valid because you would not want to make multiple trips to the store whenever you miss something. "Take the time to compare prices at different stores and look for sales and discounts," ChatGPT says. Experts have also suggested using price-matching apps, depending on where you live. ChatGPT also recommends "purchasing generic or store-brand products, as they often cost less than name-brand items."

Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax
Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax

The AI added that purchasing items in bulk can lead to significant savings, especially on non-perishables. So instead of going every time, buy pantry staples and household supplies in bulk, so you do not waste any food and also don't waste your money. The AI also mentioned that planning meals can help you reduce food waste. "Planning your meals can help you make the most of leftovers and reduce food waste," ChatGPT says. "It can also help you avoid buying unnecessary or overpriced items."

Moreover, if you have any coupons or discounts, make the most of them because it save a few pennies. "Take advantage of coupons and promotional offers, but be mindful of not overspending just because you have a coupon," ChatGPT says. "Only use coupons for items that you need and would have purchased anyway."

Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax
Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax


Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax
Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax


Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax
Image Source: TikTok / @tyrannosaurus.rax

In the comments, people praised the couple for innovatively shopping for groceries and saving money. "Mom of 5 here... oldest is almost 20. I’m so TIRED of planning meals every day! I’m fully invested in this!!" wrote @jojopnw83. "This is so smart! Why haven’t I thought of this?" said @lemonsorbet09. "As a Dietician, I use ChatGPT for my clients daily exactly for this. Good job ladies," shared @eowynstrider. "I am FLOORED that the list was under $100," added @maggienkoko.

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