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She wanted to be called 'Grandma killer' in exchange for breaking lockdown and the internet obliged

Mandel's rant about missing modern comforts like visits to museums, zoos, restaurants, etc during an actual frickin pandemic is peak white privilege speaking.

She wanted to be called 'Grandma killer' in exchange for breaking lockdown and the internet obliged
Cover Image Source: Twitter/Bethany S Mandel

"Ask, and you shall receive." When Bethany S. Mandel asked, the internet was more than happy to deliver. The mother-of-four got the phrase "Grandma killer" trending on Twitter this week after tweeting about her annoyance at being stuck at home for the sake of everyone's safety, especially the elderly. Moreover, Mandel's rant about missing modern comforts like visits to museums, zoos, restaurants, etc during an actual frickin pandemic sent the Twitterverse into deep investigation mode. Twitterati soon dug up some of her not-so-old tweets which seemed to indicate a rather rapid change of heart on the need for social distancing.


You can call me a Grandma killer, she tweeted. I'm not sacrificing my home, food on the table, all of our docs and dentists, every form of pleasure (museums, zoos, restaurants), all my kids' teachers in order to make other people comfortable. If you want to stay locked down, do. I'm not. Oh my, the stench of white privilege and apathy is rather strong here, isn't it? 



Since she took the time to spell out her special request, Twitter users were more than happy to stick her with the "Grandma Killer" tag and within hours, Mandel was... how do you say it... Canceled.















Meanwhile, those who dug deep into Mandel's Twitter history discovered a few interesting tweets from not so long ago when she had a totally different stance on the lockdown.







To provide some context, Mandel's "call me Grandma Killer" tweet came as a part of a rant about indefinite lockdowns and her understanding of how it would affect the economy. Remember when we were told we had to flatten the curve and we’d lockdown for a few weeks to ramp up PPE and free up ventilators or else we’d have to start death panels? When did that turn into indefinite lockdowns and economic destruction because “if it saves one life?" she tweeted.



This isn’t about greed. It’s survival. People can’t buy food or pay rent or mortgages. Small businesses are closing. Dentists and doctors are going into the red. Schools are going to start closing. This is the destruction of society we’re talking about, Mandel continued. There will be no pediatricians or general doctors or physical therapists or nurses or home health aides. No dentists. No zoos or aquariums. No private schools. No restaurants or caterers. No hairdressers or nail technicians. No gyms. No summer camps or daycares.



We never had ventilator shortages. My local pediatric ER converted to a COVID ward and now sits empty. What are we waiting on here? I’d genuinely like an answer. A vaccine? Because if that’s it, our society will be absolutely wrecked in the meantime, Mandel added.


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