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She stole an ancient Egyptian relic from a museum at 7—now, she’s finally making things right

After keeping the priceless artifact for over 20 years, the woman struggled with how to return it without facing consequences.

She stole an ancient Egyptian relic from a museum at 7—now, she’s finally making things right
Picture shows a girl inside a gallery. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio)

Most people make innocent mistakes in childhood, unaware of their consequences. While some move on, others carry the weight of their actions into adulthood. One woman found herself in this predicament after confessing to stealing an ancient artifact from a museum during her school years. The now-31-year-old, who goes by u/HannaaaLucie on Reddit, shared how easily she pocketed an authentic Egyptian relic at an exhibition without anyone noticing. In a widely shared post, she revealed her struggle with returning the precious figurine after keeping it a secret for over 20 years. Following her anonymous “confession,” the online community offered thoughtful advice on how to make things right.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Riccardo
Picture shows people visiting a museum. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Riccardo

While recounting the events that led to her childhood theft, the woman revealed she was just 7 or 8 at the time. “I went on a school trip to a museum that had an Ancient Egypt exhibit. The museum staff allowed the class to look at some old relics, passing them around in a circle,” she wrote, recalling how she was drawn to a beautifully crafted ancient figurine. “I remember looking at this little green and blue-colored figurine of a Goddess with a hippo head,” she explained. Without realizing the consequences, she acted on impulse. “I really liked it, and without a second thought, I put it in my pocket and took it home with me,” she wrote. Like any young child, she treated the historical artifact as a toy, unaware of its significance. “I sat at home playing with it, not really understanding the gravity of what I had done,” the woman added.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Picture shows artifacts at a museum. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

Little did she know that the innocently committed mistake would soon become a major issue at her school. She recalled how her school held a large assembly in an effort to find the missing artifact. The museum authorities took the situation seriously, as the relic wasn’t just a replica but “an actual ancient Egyptian artifact.” “I remember playing scenarios in my head of how I could give it back without getting caught, but I couldn't see a way out of it,” she admitted. Caught in a dilemma, she felt trapped—too afraid to confess and too embarrassed to face the consequences of her childish mistake.

Picture shows a girl playing with toys. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Artem Podrez)
Picture shows a girl playing with toys. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Artem Podrez)

“The museum (authorities) became angrier. The assemblies grew more pressing, and letters went home to all parents,” she recalled, noting that some “naughty” children suspected of the theft even had their parents called in. “Finally, everyone calmed down as they realized, they weren't getting it back. I got away with it,” she admitted. But decades later, the guilt remained. "The problem is I'm now 31 and I still have the figurine! I couldn't throw it away; it's thousands of years old. I couldn't give it back; I would have been in unbelievable trouble. If I gave it back now, it would look strange.” Her confession sparked a wave of reactions from the online community, with many weighing in on what she should do next.

Image Source: Reddit | u/GeneralFactotum
Image Source: Reddit | u/GeneralFactotum
Image Source: Reddit | u/vintagetrauma
Image Source: Reddit | u/vintagetrauma

“Send it to the museum via courier and with no identifying details and a one-word note, ‘Sorry! I am sure that its disappearance has become an enduring puzzle and the surviving staff would be greatly relieved that it had been solved after decades,’” u/East_Management6054 suggested. “Dress yourself entirely in black. Don't forget a hoodie over the balaclava. Aggressively enter the museum and tell them that this is a return but in the tone of declaring a robbery. Then, remove the artifact from a little velvet pouch, hanging from your belt, unwrap it from a heavy cloth and carefully place it on the counter. Say sorry in the tone of a petulant teenager,” u/DrainpipeDreams added. The woman later provided an update, stating that she had indeed returned the figurine to the museum anonymously via courier from a different city and was feeling relieved.

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