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She ordered balloons for her mom finishing chemo. Seller canceled the order for a wholesome reason

At first, it looked like they were rejecting the order. But the actual reason is quite heartwarming.

She ordered balloons for her mom finishing chemo. Seller canceled the order for a wholesome reason
Cover Image Source: Getty Images/Ask Goldstein / EyeEm (representative), Twitter/shannonhar95

Cancer is an exhausting and consuming illness that affects people and their families in adverse ways. Due to this, whenever one completes a positive milestone in their battle against the disease, it is always a cause for celebration. Shannon Harwood also wanted to celebrate her mother finishing chemotherapy by surprising her with some special balloons. She placed an order for the balloons online but soon received a message informing her that the seller had something to communicate with her. 

Harwood shared the heartwarming story in a tweet that reads: "Ordered balloons for my mummy finishing chemo on Tuesday saying 'f**k cancer' and got this (message) this morning." The tweet also included a screenshot of a message from the Amazon seller that was selling those balloons. The message informed her that seller Eighty80 LTD had run into a problem while completing her order. However, an unexpectedly touching message followed: "Hi Shannon, We have refunded your order because we agree with your balloons!"


The seller added, "Do not worry, the balloons are still on their way, use the refunded money to get some cake?" The message was signed: "All the love from Noelle at Eighty80 Ltd." After reading her message on the balloons, the seller decided to give it to her free of cost to honor her mother's cancer journey. Shannon also tweeted a photograph of the inflated balloons after she received them and they look absolutely wonderful.

The tweet quickly went viral with 461k likes and thousands of comments from users appreciating the seller and sharing their own experience. One Twitter user wrote, "How wonderful of Amazon. Give mum my love and please God she gets through this." Another commented, "What a great gesture. We've all been affected by the horrible C word. Cancer took my mum a year and half ago. Wishing your mum the best. "


A third user said, "Did anyone else get cross, thinking the balloon company were going to be 'can’t have profanity' type reply. Bravo to them. And well done to your mum winning against cancer." Another Twitter user commented, "I've bookmarked this so if I ever need to buy balloons I know where to go! Congrats to your mum for finishing chemo, I hope the only way is up from here onward." 


Winning against cancer is indeed a celebration and an entire school came together to orchestrate a grand welcome for a young boy who beat cancer. Bernando returned to school last month after being diagnosed with Leukemia in August 2021. In a video that went viral on social media, Bernardo is seen walking to school with his parents. As he walks through the school gates, he is touched to find all of his classmates lined up on both sides of the entrance. Everyone assembled to celebrate the little boy's victory against cancer. Bernardo rushes up and down the corridor, embracing his teachers and smiling the whole time. 



The video also shows Bernardo's classmates greeting him and offering encouragement. "Bernardo, we are glad for your presence!" read one of the signs held up as the young man celebrated his "hero's return to school."

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