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She had an incurable disease, but her recovery has amazed doctors. She's now at the top of her class.

Evie-Mae Geurts was only 8 months old when she was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. However, now 7 years old, she has made a full and awe-inspiring recovery.

She had an incurable disease, but her recovery has amazed doctors. She's now at the top of her class.
Image Source: KarinBellantoni / Twitter

At just a few months old, Evie-Mae Geurts was diagnosed as blind. A few months later, her head started to swell. Her mother, Amy Geurts, demanded answers from the doctors, who tested her daughter for various illnesses. Eventually, the young girl received a diagnosis of hydrocephalus, which is a build-up of fluid in the ventricles deep within the brain. Evie-Mae was only 8 months old. At the time, doctors warned that she would never recover from the incurable condition. However, now 7 years old, she has made a full recovery and is a top student in her class, Good News Network reports.


When Evie-Mae was first diagnosed, the pressure inside her head was 32 times the normal level. Doctors claimed her brain was damaged. While they could prescribe medication to relieve the pain and release the pressure, they claimed there was not much more that they could do. They said the continued pressure in her head would mean her sight would never return. In addition to this, it was likely that she would never learn to walk and talk. Evidently, that was not the case. Not only can the 7-year-old walk and talk with ease, but she has also regained her sense of sight.


Unlike other cases doctors have seen in the past, Evie-Mae's hydrocephalus seemingly disappeared last year. Typically, hydrocephalus is a lifelong condition. This means patients diagnosed with the illness cannot be cured and are more than likely to require shunts—hollow tubes surgically placed in the brain—to drain fluid from the area for the rest of their lives. Evie-Mae is the exception. She is thriving as a 7-year-old: she presently lives without the use of shunts, can see perfectly without any glasses and is one of the best students in her class.


Doctors have continued to monitor her progress. She is expected to undergo eye tests every six months. Her medical team is amazed by her journey so far. "They cannot believe it," said proud mother Geurts in an interview with Good News Network. "Evie is phenomenal. We are so proud of her. She is an amazing little girl, and so brave." Her recovery has also inspired people online, who praised the young girl for being so courageous.

When she had to undergo surgery to remove the shunts she no longer utilized, Evie-Mae had to shave her hair. Her hairstylists told the little girl how brave she had been to go through so much. "Just like Eugene cuts Rapunzel’s hair to save her in Tangled, the doctors cut my hair off to save me," she responded.

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