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Seth Rogen 'thanks god' he doesn't have kids and his reason for it is resonating with so many people

He emphasized that the decision to have children is a personal one and that people should carefully consider the factors involved before making a choice.

Seth Rogen 'thanks god' he doesn't have kids and his reason for it is resonating with so many people
Image Source: Youtube | The Diary Of A CEO

The decision to have children is a personal and complex one that depends on a variety of factors, including cultural, social, economic and individual considerations. Having children also entails significant responsibilities and challenges, including financial, emotional and time-related commitments. It is important to carefully consider these factors before making the decision to have children and to ensure that you are ready and able to provide the love, support and resources that your children will need to thrive. Seth Rogen and his wife, Lauren Miller, have been childless and happily married since 2011, and the actor opened out about their decision not to have children in a new interview, per BuzzFeed News.

Image Source: Getty Images/Christopher Polk
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Christopher Polk


During his appearance on the "Diary of a CEO" podcast this week, Seth discussed his career and his rise to a beloved comedy writer in Hollywood. He emphasized that his decision to not have children played a significant role in his success. He said, "There's a whole huge thing I'm not doing, which is raising children." Host Steven Bartlett presented an opposing viewpoint to Seth during their discussion, suggesting that having children could have brought more happiness into his and Lauren's lives. However, Seth strongly disagreed with this perspective. 


He explained, "I don't think it would. I've been around obviously a lot of children, I'm not ignorant to what it’s like. Everyone I know has kids. I'm 40, you know? I know. Some of my friends have had kids for decades. Some people want kids, some people don't want kids." He said that people often tend to grow their families without considering if it is right for them or not. The talk-show host noted, "I mean, a lot of people have kids before they even think about it, from what I've seen honestly. You just are told, you go through life, you get married, you have kids — it’s what happens."

Image Source: Getty Images/Mark Davis
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mark Davis


Seth provided further details about his personal experience, explaining that he and Lauren never had the desire to have children. He went on to state that as they have grown older, they have become even more certain of their decision: "Me and my wife, neither of us were like that. Honestly, the older we get the more happy and reaffirmed we are with our choice to not have kids. It was something we kind of talked about more, and we were like, ‘Have we made the right choice? Are we sure?" 


"Now, more than anything, the conversation is like, ‘Honestly, thank god we don’t have children.' We get to do whatever we want," he added. "We are in the prime of our lives. We are smarter than we've ever been. We understand ourselves more than we ever have. We have the capacity to achieve a level of work and a level of communication and care for one another, and a lifestyle we can live with one another that we've never been able to live before, and we can just do that and we don't have to raise a child — which the world does not need right now." 

Fans applauded Seth for being transparent about the choice of having children. While it might feel like a compulsion to have children after getting married, he highlights the importance of making an informed decision and putting yourself first. 


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