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Server recalls how she got back at rude customers who misbehaved before dining and dashing months ago

The rude customers had made the life of the server a 'living hell' when they had visited her restaurant eight months ago.

Server recalls how she got back at rude customers who misbehaved before dining and dashing months ago
Representative Cover Image Source: (L)Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio; (R) Reddit | u/ZeroPenguinParty

There have been many instances where individuals have shown that courtesy is not so common among people. But when such rude people cross their line and mistreat others, they deserve a dose of karma. u/ZeroPenguinParty shared a similar instance that their customer relayed to them, whom they referred to as Kate. She experienced harsh and absurd treatment from a fellow server. Kate shared that she was working as a server at a steak restaurant when she stumbled upon the most ruthless group of youngsters while serving one night. The post mentioned that the customers made Kate’s life “a living hell.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba

Sharing examples of their absurdity, the post read, “For example, they ordered medium rare, but when it was brought out, they claimed they wanted it well done. One of the group took a sip out of a glass and then claimed there was a lipstick stain on the rim of the glass. And the most juvenile complaint of all, the group each claimed they didn't have forks on three separate occasions.” It was clear that the customers were being problematic on purpose and expected to get off easily. Kate then mentioned that, given their bizarre grievances, the manager had to take care of things which even included comping the meal for the troublesome customers.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio

“The group decided they wanted one more drink before leaving, so they ordered some cocktails and then did a dine and dash while Kate was busy getting the drinks from the bar,” the post read. The manager had spotted the unethical behavior of the youngsters and went easy on Kate, even keeping her from paying for their bill as a server was entitled to in such situations. While Kate and her manager had no choice but to let go of the ill-mannered customers, luck sided with them over eight months later. Kate, her manager and a few of her friends had come to a restaurant for a meal and irony struck. “They enter, get seated and guess who was their server, none other than the ring leader from eight months prior,” the post read.

While the horrible customer didn’t recognize Kate, she and her folks decided to pay the server back. They did all the things the customer had done at their restaurant months ago and when it was time to settle the bill, Kate demanded to speak with the manager. She then spilled the beans on what the server had done at Kate’s restaurant and coincidentally happened to find a picture of the docket of the group from eight months ago which she revealed to their manager. The manager then took things into their own hands and settled Kate’s bill. Needless to say, the amount that was comped off from Kate’s meal was to be filled in from the horrified customer’s server tips. Truly a spot-on payback.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro studio

The title of the post perfectly summed up the scenario, reading, “Whatever you can do, I can do better.” Commenters hilariously joked about the way the rude customer got served at the end. u/CoderJoe1 said, “Bitten in the ribeye, you meant, right? Either way, this is well done.” u/GrumpyCatStevens applauded Kate’s payback, saying, “Racecar spelled backward is Racecar.”

Image Source: Reddit/u/GrumpyCatStevens
Image Source: Reddit/u/GrumpyCatStevens

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